A Complete Stardew Valley Strange Capsule Guide

Stardew Capsule

Stardew Valley has a lot of secrets. Some of these secrets can be found through tried-and-true methods. In contrast, other secrets are much more random in nature. To name an example, consider the Strange Capsule event. For those who are curious, the Strange Capsule event is one of the random events that can happen once the player has completed Year 1 of Stardew Valley.

Be warned there is just a 0.8 percent chance of the event happening when the player goes to sleep. Furthermore, it should be mentioned that the chosen tile on the player’s mainland farm must be capable of allowing item placement. In any case, interested individuals will know that the Strange Capsule event has happened if they see an overnight message about their player-character hearing a strange sound in the night. If they have already unlocked the Ginger Island farm, they should know that the titular item cannot spawn at said location. Instead, they are going to have to search their mainland farm for the titular item.

Once the player has picked up the Strange Capsule, they can move it in much the same way that they can move other items. However, they should know that it will turn into an Empty Capsule either after three days or upon being sprinkled with Fairy Dust because the creature contained therein will have broken out. For that point forward, there will be a 1 percent chance of seeing the creature show up after the sun has gone down. One possible location would be the bus stop. The other three possible locations are in Pelican Town, situated close to 1 Willow Lane, 2 Willow Lane, and the bridge leading to the beach. Summed up, the Strange Capsule event is one of the fun things that can happen in Stardew Valley. Fortunately, it has no real impact on the player’s experience. Otherwise, its low chances of happening would be much more frustrating.

Get the Stardrops

Energy is a huge limiter in this game. As such, chances are good that interested individuals are going to be looking for ways to increase their energy as soon as they run into that limitation. Eating food on a regular basis is one way to keep their strength up. However, it isn’t as good as increasing maximum energy, which is where Stardrops come in. In short, the player starts out with 270 energy. Every time they eat a Stardrop, their maximum energy will increase by 34 points. As such, a player that has eaten the maximum of seven Stardrops will have a maximum of 508 energy, which can be put to a lot of good uses. The problem would be finding the seven Stardrops because some of them are much easier than the others.

To name an example, interested individuals can buy a Stardrop for 2,000 Star Tokens from the Stardew Valley Fair. This is one of the easiest ones. If they win the Grange Display, they can get 1,000 Star Tokens. After which, they can play mini-games until they have enough Star Tokens. Failing that, interested individuals can just play mini-games until they have enough, which is very easy because the mini-games have very low costs. Similarly, getting the Stardrop at the bottom of the Mines is very straightforward. It might seem intimidating at first.

However, the Mines come with an elevator, meaning that making it to the bottom is no more than a matter of them for someone who goes adventuring there on a regular basis. For that matter, it is worth mentioning that there is a Stardrop that can be purchased for 20,000 from a semi-secret shopkeeper standing in a semi-secret location that can be accessed from either Pelican Town or Cindersap Forest. Other Stardrops are more complicated. One requires the player to donate 95 items to the Museum.

Similarly, another requires the player to catch every single kind of fish that can be found in the game. On top of this, there is a third Stardrop handed out when the player’s spouse or roommate reaches 12.5 hearts, which can take some time but shouldn’t be particularly difficult in other respects. As for the seventh Stardrop, this involves the Secret Woods, which won’t be available until the player can take a Steel Axe to the large log blocking the way. There, interested individuals can find a statue of Old Master Cannoli, which says that said character is still searching for the sweetest taste in the world. The player might be tempted to bring him all sorts of offerings.

However, there is no point to that. This is because the correct offering is a Sweet Gem Berry, which must be grown over the course of 24 days during the Fall. The correct seed would be the Rare Seed, which must be purchased from the Traveling Cart. Sweet Gem Berries are very valuable, but are considered to be neutral gifts for everyone. As such, its one non-monetary use would be being offered to the statue in exchange for a Stardrop.

Rusty Key

The gifts for donating items to the Museum might not seem very impressive upon initial inspection. However, they do include some items of importance. To name an example, there is the Rusty Key, which will be given to the player by Gunther the morning after they have donated 60 items. As for why interested individuals should want this item, well, it unlocks the Sewers through either the south of Pelican Town or the south of Cindersap Forest.

As for what people can do in the Sewers, there are a number of things. For example, there is Krobus, a shadow person who serves a couple of purposes. One, he can be befriended. Two, he sells a number of interesting items, which include the Return Scepter that can be used to return home at anytime from anywhere. Of course, interested individuals won’t be getting their hands on the last item anytime soon because it costs 2,000,000. A sum that can be made so long as interested individuals are willing to put in the effort but will nonetheless require a fair amount of time. Moving on, there is the Statue of Uncertainty, which can be used to change professions in exchange for 10,000.

If the player has any regrets about the path that they have gone down, this is the place where they can re-choose their professions to better-suit their personal play-style. The Sewers are also a place that skilled anglers should check out. This is because they are home to not one but two of the legendary fish. One would be the Mutant Carp. The other would be the Radioactive Carp. Suffice to say that neither inspires much confidence in Pelican Town’s sanitation practices.

Unusual Livestock

It is entertaining to note that there are some very unusual kinds of livestock that can be found in Stardew Valley. To name an example, the player can get Dinosaur Eggs from Pepper Rexes, which show up the most on prehistoric levels in the Skull Cavern. Their first instinct might be donating these to the Museum, which isn’t a bad idea. However, Dinosaur Eggs can also be incubated to produce Dinosaurs, which will produce more Dinosaur Eggs every seven days. Similarly, it is possible for the player to find Ostrich Eggs as well, which can be used to hatch Ostriches.

Treasure Chests in the Volcano Dungeon are the only repeating source for these items. Besides them, the player can also dig up an Ostrich Egg on Ginger Island by following the clue provided to them by Journal Scrap #10. Speaking of which, it is also possible to hatch Void Chickens from Void Eggs. Initially, the player doesn’t have a lot of options for getting these items. This is because they need to have either a Big Coop or a Deluxe Coop that isn’t full. After which, there is a chance that the Witch will leave a Void Egg in said building in the middle of the night. Eventually, interested individuals will be able to just buy Void Eggs for 5,000 from Krobus in the Sewers. There are other options for getting Void Eggs, but those are more of a hassle than the two that have been mentioned here.

Prismatic Shards

Prismatic Shards are one of the most useful resources in the game. Unfortunately, they are also one of the rarest, meaning that interested individuals should be very careful about how they are used. There are multiple sources of Prismatic Shards. However, chances are good that the player is going to get their first Prismatic Shard from either mining or combat. In particular, it is worth mentioning that Mystic Stones have a 25 percent chance of yielding a Prismatic Shard, which is very good when compared to the single-digit chances if that of other options. Speaking of which, those other options include but are not limited to Iridium Nodes, Omni Geodes, fishing treasure chests, certain Skull Cavern monsters, and the Skull Cavern treasure room. There is a 0.05 percent chance of getting a Prismatic Shard from any monster after hitting the bottom of the Mines, so there is always that as an ultimate fallback.

Galaxy Weapons

If the player wants to get their hands on the most powerful weapons in the game, they are going to need to go adventuring. This is because they need to start by finding the four Dwarf Scrolls before donating them to the Museum. Generally speaking, this shouldn’t be too difficult so long as interested individuals are visiting the Mines on a regular basis. This is because every single one of the Dwarf Scrolls can be found by either tilling in the Mines, fighting monsters in the Mines and other locations, or both.

As such, the player should have the four Dwarf Scrolls by the time that they reach the bottom of the Mines. If they are unlucky, well, suffice to say that the Mines are a good source of much-needed resources, meaning that they will come upon the artifacts sooner or later. Once the player has donated the four Dwarf Scrolls, they can get the Dwarvish Translation Guide. This enables the player to read the rightmost gravestone in the Graveyard, which tells them to bring a Prismatic Shard to the center of the three pillars that can be found in the Calico Desert.

That will provide them with the Galaxy Sword. After which, the player will be able to buy the other Galaxy weapons from the Adventurer’s Guild. A Galaxy Dagger costs 35,000 while a Galaxy Hammer costs 75,000. As for the Galaxy Sword, if the player manages to lose it, they can get another one from the Adventurer’s Guild for 50,000.

Infinity Weapons

Galaxy weapons aren’t the most powerful weapons that can be found in the game. If the player wants to do so, they can get their hands on the Infinity weapons. However, interested individuals won’t be able to do so until they have already unlocked Galaxy weapons because Infinity weapons are made using their Galaxy counterparts. In any case, the player needs to make their way to the very end of the Volcano Dungeon on Ginger Island, which will provide them with access to the Forge.

Said location provides them with a lot of ways to make their tools more useful. Something that extends to their weapons as well. Unfortunately, upgrading a Galaxy weapon to an Infinity weapon is very difficult. First, each such upgrade requires 60 Cinder Shards. This is the much easier part because while Cinder Shards are found in the Volcano Dungeon and only in the Volcano Dungeon, they are common enough that interested individuals should have no problem stockpiling them over time. Second, each such upgrade requires not one, not two, but three Galaxy Souls. These can be purchased from Mr. Qi in his Walnut Room.

Similarly, these can drop from dangerous monsters, which will spawn in both the Mines and the Skull Cavern during Mr. Qi’s missions. Finally, one can be purchased at the end of every season from the Island Trader in exchange for 10 Radioactive Bars. This last option won’t be available until the player has slain 50 dangerous monsters, though to be fair, they wouldn’t be able to use it before that point anyways because they won’t get the chance to mine Radioactive Ore unless they are taking on dangerous monsters.

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