A Giant Gallery of Fantastic Starcraft Fan Art from Blizzard
Why yes that IS Diablo fighting Zeratul. I told you this gallery was fantastic.
Most of you know that we tend to feature particularly awesome media related art on the site when we find it, and man, I just stumbled across a treasure trove. The Official Blizzard Fanart page is full of amazing renderings from all of their games, so many I had to only pick out my favorites focusing on one game, Starcraft.
Seriously, there is not a single one of these that ISN’T awesome, and I’d practically give each its own post if I had found these all separately. Check them out below:
You can also read:
- A Gallery of Mega Man’s Greatest Foes in Detailed Form
- An Amazing Gallery of HDR Photographs by Jakub Kubica
- A Gallery of Wicked World of Warcraft Art
- A Gallery of Cool Zelda Art by Ryan Shiu
- A Gallery of the Best Etch-a-Sketchist in the World
4th one down on right (Kerrigan)–pose ripped-off of Witchblade:
What, did Greg Land submit this?