The Original Bro-tastic Xbox Live Instructional Video
People always call Xbox the “bro” gaming system, and brings to mind frat guys playing Call of Duty while chugging Natty Ice. But was it the frat boys themselves that started that stereotype, or was it Microsoft, way back when?
The video above is the first promotional video showcasing this new fangled play online system called “Xbox Live.” In it, two blond bros figure out how easy it is to play their games online, all the while making every single obnoxious noise a human mouth can make. My favorite part is how they mute a trash talking girl, because I’m sure the gender flipped scenario has played out about a million times since then.
I also forgot that the first Xbox was actually bigger than my house. Seriously, you could actually murder someone with that thing. Like these guys.
To think that if I paid attention to marketing like this, I’d have never played Halo, KOTOR, Morrowind, or DOA; some of my favorite things in gaming. God, Microsoft is dumb. Anyone remember “She kicks high!”. Duuurrrrr!
Is that Todd (The exterminator) from Breaking Bad?
Looks like him.
Dude i remember the voice masking it was still around in early halo 2 days. They dreamed of bros talking smack and got children calling everyone gay. MIssion accomplished.