Resident Evil 4 Remake – 5 Of The Hardest Outfits And Accessories To Unlock
It is no secret that the Resident Evil 4 Remake is chock full of unlockable content. It is the staple of this franchise. There is a slew of weapons, artwork, and even costumes to collect in these games. With the most recent installment, there are a total of 14 outfits and about 20 different accessories to find. Some can be unlocked by default, just by playing the game. Obtaining the others, however, can be a bit of a chore.
This list will focus on the 5 most difficult outfits and accessories to unlock in Resident Evil 4 Remake. These particular unlockables will require a step-by-step process in order to collect them. With that said, there are vast differences between each outfit, which accommodates all manners of tastes. However, there is surely something for everyone in this game. Now only with how things look, but also with offering perks with varying playstyles.
Not only are some of these unlockables strictly cosmetic, but there are also some practical reasons for them as well. Even though a good chunk of unlockables for Resident Evil 4 Remake come with DLC, this guide will focus solely on the base game. Not only are some of these outfits and accessories for Leon but for Ashley as well. Players will need to stack up on CP (Challenge Points) to effectively “purchase them.” Some of these outfits and accessories can come at a pretty affordable price. Others, on the other hand, will require some players to be rather frugal with their CP so they can get a hold of them.
#5 – Pinstripe Suit
- In order to have access to the Pinstripe Suit, players will need to beat the game on any difficulty. This is probably the easiest outfit to unlock because things just need to take their natural course. However, the adventure that Leon goes on in Resident Evil 4 Remake isn’t exactly a “walk in the park.” So, it is indeed a challenge to get this, nonetheless. Once the game is beaten, to the Extra Content Shop in the Main Menu and purchase it for 2,000 CP. This suit doesn’t come with any perks. It just looks cool and it also comes with a nifty reloading animation with the Chicago Sweeper.
#4 – Wolftail, Chicken Hat, Cat Ears, and Deer Antlers
All these special accessories are all #4 on this list because they all kind of have the same qualities. Hence, this segment will be broken down into sub-categories that will detail what all the accessories do and how to get them. Basically, they help Leon out with melee and long-range attacks in a variety of ways.
- The Wolftail (2000 CP) lets Leon do extra damage with; kicks, suplexes, and throws. It can be unlocked by finishing the story with an S+ Rating while the Assisted Difficulty is activated.
- The Chicken Hat (2,500 CP) nerfs incoming attacks from enemies. In order to get it, complete the game with an S+ Rating with the Hardcore Setting implemented.
- The Cat Ears (3,000 CP) allow Leon to have unending ammo with all his weapons. Beat the campaign with an S+ Rating in the Professional Setting.
- Lastly, the Deer Antlers (2,000 CP) lets Leon do extra damage with this knife. Get this special weapon by beating the campaign on Standard.
#3 – Primal Knife
- This knife is nearly instructible and it will cost 1000 CP to purchase it in the Extra Content Shop. The only way to unlock it is by finding all the Clockwork Castellans that are tucked away in the campaign. Therefore, this requires at least one playthrough in order to have a fighting chance to complete this task. It even may take two, since these collectibles can be a bit elusive. Of course, finding all the Clockwork Castellans will also unlock the “Revolution Wind Up” Trophy/Achievement.
#2 – Gas Mask
- Completing the main campaign in the Professional Setting will let the Gas Mask become available in the shop. It will cost 2000 CP to purchase. Generally, this item will let players have assisted aiming in the Hardcore and Professional settings of the story. Otherwise, players will need to rely solely on their skills to smite the Las Plagas. Some would prefer the challenge of that, but the Gas Mask certainly offers a nice crutch to make the playthrough a little more enjoyable. Thus, it will also come in handy for players who want to accomplish a speed run. The aim assist will help out with plowing through enemies.
#1 – The Armored Suit (Ashley)
- This outfit is most likely the most difficult to unlock on this list because it requires completing a timed objective. Players will need to finish the main campaign of Resident Evil 4 Remake on the Hardcore Setting. On top of that, they must finish it in under 10 hours. If that wasn’t enough, players must also achieve a Ranking of A or above. Even though this might be ulcer-inducing, this outfit will ultimately pay off. Ashley will move slower, yes. However, she will be impervious to injury and enemies can’t pick her up and fly off. This, of course, will ease the burden of having to babysit Ashley with the escort missions that this title has.
Even though the Resident Evil games are very linear experiences and can be a little short, they always have a high replay value. Not only with the flexibility on how to tackle solutions but also with the long list of unlockables to accumulate. Resident Evil 4 Remake, of course, is no exception. There is a myriad of things to strive for that will, not only freshen up the aesthetic but also enhance the gameplay. Resident Evil 4 Remake is now available on Playstation, Xbox, and PC.