Where to find Orichalcum+ in Kingdom Hearts 3
It is very common for RPGs to have some kind of super-weapon that is hard to unlock. After all, it is a very easy way to reward interested individuals for their expenditure of time and effort, thus making them that much more invested. The Ultima Weapon plays this role for the Kingdom Hearts series, so it should come as no surprise to learn that it is much sought-after in Kingdom Hearts III. It isn’t the best Keyblade for every single thing in this particular title. However, the Ultima Weapon’s one failing is that a maxed-out version will be second-best at magic when compared with the Classic Tone, which is one of those statements that say much by saying little. Interested individuals are going to need four kinds of synthesis materials. For starters, they are going to need two Wellspring Crystals, two Lucid Crystals, and two Pulsing Crystals. Getting these will take some effort. However, none of them are that rare, particularly for people who know where to grind for them. Instead, the bigger issue is that interested individuals are going to need seven Orichalcum+, which would be the hard part of synthesizing the Ultima Weapon.
Where Can You Find Orichalcum+ in Kingdom Hearts III?
There are seven methods for getting seven Orichalcum+. Some of these methods are much easier than the others, which in turn, means that some of these methods are much harder than the others. However, that means very little because someone who wants to synthesize the Ultima Weapon is going to need to use every single one of them.
First, there are Prize Postcards. Essentially, interested individuals can get these items by making purchases from the Moogle Shop. Once they have a Prize Postcard, they can send it out using the postbox in Twilight Town for a random item. There is a low chance of the random item being an Orichalcum+, meaning that this method can be very easy for some people but very frustrating for other people. If interested individuals are lucky, they will get what they want with minimal fuss and hassle; if interested individuals aren’t lucky, well, suffice to say that they are going to be spending a lot of money at the Moogle Shop, which is the whole point of such promotions in real life. Second, there is the treasure chest containing an Orichalcum+ that can be found in the Caribbean. This one is one of the easiest ones. After all, interested individuals just have to make their way to Exile Island. There, they should be able to find the treasure chest situated in the middle of the island. Third, there is another treasure chest containing another Orichalcum+ that can be found in the Final World. For this one, interested individuals should use fast travel to reach Keyblade Graveyard – Badlands before returning to the initial arena. Once they have used the warp gate, they should see the treasure chest. Fourth, the player is going to need to spend some time playing Frozen Slider in Arendelle. Their goal is to grab all 10 of the treasures that can be found on the course, so they are going to need to search every single corner of the course to see what turns up. Eventually, interested individuals should be able to get what they want out of the mini-game, particularly since the course isn’t that huge. The reward will be an Orichalcum+.
Fifth, interested individuals are going to need to collect all 90 of the Lucky Emblems that can be found in the game. Finding some of these collectibles is very simple and straightforward because they are pretty much out in open sight. Others are much trickier, meaning that finding them is going to require more time and effort. Fortunately, if interested individuals don’t want to search every single corner of Kingdom Hearts III on their own, they should have no problem finding an online resource that will tell them exactly which Lucky Emblems they are still missing plus where those Lucky Emblems can be found. This is one of the more time-consuming methods. However, other people’s effort means that this doesn’t have to be one of the harder methods as well.
Sixth, the player is going to need to take out the Omega Machina, which will require them to make it spawn by taking out a number of other bosses as well. In short, they should head to the Eclipse. After which, the player should take out the Gigant Pyramid before taking out the four mini-bosses that will spawn to the north, the south, the east, and the west. There isn’t much to say about these bosses. Observe them to see how they attack; figure out the right evasive actions; use them to avoid damage while doing damage; and consider bringing the Repair Kit in case of slip-ups. As for the Omega Machina, this approach remains more-or-less applicable, though “consider bringing the Repair Kit” should be changed to “bring the Repair Kit.” This is because this boss can do a lot of damage, whether because its attacks are just that damaging or because its attacks are just that damaging while also being capable of homing in. As such, a Repair Kit is a good way to always maintain a health buffer so that interested individuals won’t get taken out by a single slip-up when they are low on health. This is particularly important because the Omega Machina has four forms, meaning that it will be that much more complicated for the player to just dodge everything by relying on a mix of mastery and memorization. Seventh, interested individuals should know that the completion of each main world will result in a Flan showing up. They can do each of the Flan’s mini-game for a trophy. Furthermore, if interested individuals do extremely well, they will know it because the Flan will jump up and down while clapping. If they can do this for each of the Flan, they will be rewarded with an Orichalcum+ for their efforts at the end.
Where Can You Find Everything Else that You Need for the Ultima Weapon in Kingdom Hearts III?
Having collected the seven Orichalcum+, interested individuals will be able to synthesize the Ultima Weapon once they have found the six crystals that they need. The Wellspring Crystals might be the most convenient because there is a very reliable place to grind for them. Said place would be the top of the skyscraper where the player fought Baymax in San Fransokyo. There, the player can come upon a Battlegate, though they should keep in mind that they won’t have a lot of room to maneuver in when they prepare their loadout for the fight. As for the other two kinds of crystals, interested individuals should prepare by grinding extra Wellspring Crystals. After which, they can use synthesis to make both Lucid Crystals and Pulsing Crystals by using synthesis materials. Each one is going to require one Wellspring Crystal plus two Gems, three Stones, and five Shards with the same descriptor. If interested individuals aren’t sure where they can grind for each of those synthesis materials, they should remember that Gummiphone Adversaries will tell them exactly where they should be pointing their Keyblade. Once interested individuals have collected everything that they need, it is just a matter of synthesizing everything.
Where Does Orichalcum Come From Anyways?
Some people might be curious where orichalcum came from. After all, it isn’t unique to Kingdom Hearts III. Instead, orichalcum has shown up as some kind of superior metal in a wide range of works. Based on that, interested individuals might guess that there is some kind of common source for this. If so, they would be right.
It isn’t quite clear what the original orichalcum was supposed to be. However, it can be traced to the ancient Greeks and Romans (http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.04.0063:entry=orichalcum-cn). To name an example, orichalcum is mentioned in Plato’s Critias, which is one of the philosopher’s better-known dialogues because it is the one that mentioned Atlantis. There, it is said to be a kind of precious metal that could be mined on the fictional island. As a result, orichalcum was used in a number of very noticeable ways. One, the Temple of Poseidon and Cleito had an outermost wall that was clad in orichalcum. Two, said structure had a roof that was ornamented using a mix of gold, orichalcum, and silver. Three, the Temple of Poseidon and Cleito contained an orichalcum pillar that was inscribed with Poseidon’s laws as well as the records of Poseidon and Cleito’s ten sons. Under the circumstances, it is tempting to say that orichalcum was just another thing invented by Plato that went on to develop a life of its own. Unfortunately, that is very much not the case.
After all, orichalcum was mentioned by Hesiod, meaning that it is quite a bit older than Plato. For context, Hesiod was active around the same time as Homer, meaning that he was active around 750 and 650 BC. Meanwhile, Plato is known to have been born in either 428/427 or 424/423 BC before dying in 348/347 BC. On top of this, it should be mentioned that orichalcum seems to have been used to refer to more than one kind of copper alloy by both Greek and Roman writers in even later times. Something that is very strange because the titular character in Critias stated that orichalcum was nothing but a name in his time. One might not think much of this until one realizes that Plato’s dialogues are named for people who lived in the same approximate time period that he did. Indeed, Critias is a somewhat well-known historical figure in his own right, seeing as how he was one of the leading members of the Thirty Tyrants. As such, what his fictional counterpart said was presumably a reflection of general knowledge in Plato’s own time. Confusingly, orichalcum went on to be used in even more ways by even more people.
Still, the idea that orichalcum was some kind of copper alloy is an interesting one. For context, there were people who used to divide late prehistory and early history into the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age, which are named thus based on the widespread use of those materials. Unsurprisingly, said classification had numerous issues. For example, plenty of cultures didn’t go through these stages. Indeed, it is easier to mention the parts of the world that did than the parts of the world that didn’t. Similarly, its simplicity resulted in a lot of important nuance being tossed out, which included the existence of what one might call a Copper Age.
Essentially, the Copper Age is a sort of transition period between the Stone Age and the Bronze Age that happened for a lot of cultures in a lot of places. This is because copper is a very easy metal to work with, so much so that it seems to have been beaten out by just gold and meteoric iron when it comes to human usage. As for why copper metalworking led to bronze metalworking, the gist of it is that bronze is a copper alloy. It is a much superior material. Unfortunately, it is also much more complicated to make because it required both copper and tin. The first metal is very common while the second metal is very much not. Due to this, while there were Bronze Age cultures that could make their own bronze using their own resources, there were plenty of others that were reliant on getting the necessary tin from somewhere else. Eventually, a much more common and thus much more convenient replacement came along in the form of smelted iron, though it is important to note that this wasn’t possible until key technological advances had come about. Even so, plenty of copper alloys remained in use for one reason or another. To name an example, the Romans transliterated orichalcum as aurichalcum, which would mean “gold copper.” Such alloys exist. Moreover, they are rather interesting in that they can be harder than either gold or copper on their own.
Regardless, the important point is that orichalcum was sometimes treated as a lost metal associated with Atlantis. Over time, as the fictional island became more and more magical in the minds of interested individuals, the things associated with it floated up with it as well. As such, when fantasy media creators started looking for suitable terms to pop into place rather than make up on their own, orichalcum was a perfect fit. And once some fantasy media creators started using it as a term for some kind of super-material, cultural momentum meant that future fantasy media creators would do the same.