A Great Gallery of Pokemon Collage Art

Let’s skip the whole “woe is me, more Pokemon on Unreality” thing, because you cannot tell me that this gallery isn’t awesome. It’s from artist Botjira, who is a master paper crafter. Yes, these are not drawn, rather they are collages assembled out of paper and cut out and put together.

It really is a wicked cool art style, and it’s like if Wes Anderson came in and did a Pokemon revamp. There are new school and old school Pokemon alike in here, and between the color and the craftsmanship, this is one of my favorite Poke-galleries to date. And there have been a lot of them.

Check out the fully gallery below, and click to enlarge on any of the pictures.

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  1. This was actually really cool. I enjoy your pokemon posts.

    Actually, you should have a link to the right that has all the pokemon posts you have assembled.

    Since that’s one of the main staples of Unreality.

  2. Amazing stuff! I would definitely put up a frame of one of these if I had the chance. I really like the backdrops used in the Gyrados/Magikarp scene. I am always interested in the new Pokemon things you find Paul. Thanks!

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