Two Fangirls Go To Their Favorite British Show Locations
There’s a hell of a lot of great TV coming out of England these days, and fans fortunate enough to live there can actually go on a hunt to find the locations from their favorite shows. Not many actually would, but two devoted fangirls have trekked around and taken photos at places from Sherlock to Doctor Who to even the film realm of Harry Potter.
You can check out their travels below, where they try to match up the angle of their iPad photo with a shot from the show, which makes the effort even cooler. Check out their Tumblr here as well.
Sherlock – St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, London
Merlin – Puzzlewood, Wales
Harry Potter – Gloucester Cathedral, Gloucester, UK
Dunraven Bay, Wales from Doctor Who
Da Vinci’s Demons Castell Coch
Torchwood – Cardiff Bay, Cardiff
[via Buzzfeed]