Unreality’s Top Five Reader New Years Resolutions
Here at Unreality we decided to do a little poll of New Years resolutions. Instead of listing our own goals or thinking of stuff we’d like to do, we wanted to get some funny feedback on things that you, our readers want to do in 2011.
We received a ton of responses and I have to say that you guys have some really weird goals. But for the purposes of this article we want to limit the responses to five.
In addition, we’ve eliminated names for the purposes of anonymity…..
1. “I would like to own every single Nintendo game from 1988.”
I was particularly interested in this because of the awesomeness in the detail. Plus you know, I’m an old school kind of a gamer so I appreciated that someone had such a fondness for the NES. We sure as hell hope that you can reach this threshold and whatever we can do to help, we will.
2. “I want to have sex with my girlfriend while she wears every Pikachu costume available, including male outfits.”
Normally I’d have brushed over this request but that the “including male outfits” was added made it an obligation to post this response. I don’t know this guy or his girlfriend but I’m very very scared of what the possibilities are.
3. “I’d like to watch Avatar 6000 times.”
Seriously guys, do the math. Really guy? I mean really?
4. “I want to meet Arianny Celeste”
You know something? Here’s another one where I’d have deleted it but I’m 100% honest in saying that the person who sent in this resolution is 12 years old. I’m not sure what a 12 year old is doing researching Arianny Celeste. And oddly enough we’ve never even mentioned her on here. Still though, it’s awesome.
5. “I will do less laundry and use more deodorant.”
I’m pretty sure this was taken from a website but I still like it.
Yeah #1 is great. However, if you want all “Nintendo” games you only need to buy 10. In my investigation I also found out there is an NES game of Nintendo that consists of Super Mario Bros, Tetris and Nintendo World Cup in one. I need that one!!