Mega Man’s Final Upgrade
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As Hollywood runs out of superheroes, you can be damn sure that at some point, every video game will be turned into a movie. And Mega Man? He’s got that kind of Pixar appeal, and I could easily see him starring in his own animated feature.
But what if they went a different direction? What if Mega Man: The Movie was helmed by sayyyyy Michael Bay? Then this picture is probably what they’d transform (pun intended) the lad into. It’s actually kind of a wicked concept, and I think he could give Optimus Prime a run for his money.
Artist link when I find them.
hell no mega man is like 10 x smaller than that he looks like optimus prime had sex with robo cop and had a baby
What is there really about Mega Man that would translate into a good movie?
If it was turned into a movie I see it playing out like Scott pilgrim vs the world instead of exs it would be robots
really cool looking art…but still thats not the mega man we all know and love
Looks like shit.
looks like a hunter off of halo was trying to be human.
Also if michael benjamin bay were directing he would no longer be a robot, he would now be an alien 🙁
He still won’t be able to shoot at a diagonal…
Don’t you even JOKE about Michael Bay touching Mega Man. I joked about him with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and now look, they’re fucking space aliens for some reason.
Pixar could do it, just don’t let Michael Bay touch it.
Artist’s name is ‘JACQUE CHOI’.
I just watched Osamu Tezuka’s ‘Metropolis’ on YouTube’s free movies list Saturday Night. I am now convinced that no one besides Mad House (with the use of Tezuka-style artwork) could make a great Megaman film.
That picture is some impressive work, but it misses the point of Megaman NOT being the armored, super-arsenal powerhouse (yes, I am taking into consideration his stolen buster modes) of his universe. Simply put, Megaman is just THE BEST!