In Case You Never Figured This Out
Over the past few years, I’ve learned many secrets about Pokemon that I didn’t understand when I was little. Namely, that I killed Gary’s Raticate and I’m actually the villain of the game, and the entire game takes place in post-nuclear Japan where most of the adult males have been killed in the war, and the only ones left are criminals or soldiers.
I will say that one thing I did figure out for myself was the above picture, but I have a hunch the reference went over a great many people’s heads for years. If this is the first time you’ve figured this out, congrats. Also, did you know Ekans is Snake spelled backwards? Sorry, I’m just mocking you now.
wow… that explains why I always preferred Hitmonlee over Hitmonchan. Must have been my subconsciousness acting up lol
mind = blown
also, arbok is kobra spelled backwards
Ekans is snake spelled backwards
i actually figured this out a couple of weeks ago, my mind was blown
And Muk is……
All this time I thought they were being creative with the names!
@silas muk spelled backwards is kum
and if i put a “c” instead of “k”
Wow. Can’t believe I had missed that one.
Here’s another one:
ArticUNO, ZapDOS, MolTRES: the letters in caps are Spanish for one, two, three.
I believe they were called different in Japanese, with some “easier” “pun”.
Also adding to the mew/ditto gene splicing, ditto can breed with any other pokemon, meaning it has the dna of all.others like mew.
Also thats not Digletts nose. Its his mouth, the little white thing is a tooth. Mind=blown!!!