Hail to the Metapod
Everyone loves to root for the underdog, and there’s no one more at a disadvantage in a Pokemon match than a Metapod, who can’t actually attack.
But here, in this artist’s rendition of the bloody aftermath of an epic Pokemon battle, Metapod stands victorious. Whether he laid on the ground while everyone beat each other up, or flung himself repeatedly at their faces, I’m not sure, but his tactic has worked.
He should run off into the sunset with Lady Magikarp, and they can grow old and have useless children together.
oh man, this rings so true to me…after all I did beat Brock in Pokemno Yellow with Metapod…
I hardened so hard that I was nigh invulnerable and I kept playing (losing of course) until Metapod was leveled enough to learn string shot. It..was a looong game, needless to say…
This is not true metapod can learn tackle
so anyways, Metapod knows moves if you get it as a Caterpie and train it up, Metapods are only weak for those who don’t put in the effort of training a pokemon, if you really want an underdog on top you’d put a Magikarp up there. or a Bellsprout.
If your Metapod doesn’t have tackle, you misplayed. Horribly.
sorry metapod (sends out zekrom), but you cant beat… or Harden out of this guys power!
Quite humorous, thought it could be much funnier if there were a Magikarp splashing on top of that pile.