Behind the Movie Masks and Make-up

Apologies for not knowing who first compiled this extremely elaborate picture collection, but I first saw it on reddit, and figure you all would enjoy it.

Often we don’t appreciate enough the transformations in film created by make-up artists and costume designers. And sometimes we don’t even know who is underneath all that make-up, metal or plastic. This gallery shows some of the most famous icons in cinema, and their real-world alter egos. Some are obvious, but I wager some you’ve never seen before. Who knew Darth Vader was such a hunk?

Check out the full gallery below:

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  1. @Bert

    Yup. They were played by great Kevin Peter Hall who unfortunately died in 1991 because of AIDS, AIDS, which he contracted through a blood transfusion.

    He also played the chopper pilot at the end of Predator 1

  2. Should also include Tim Curry and his Labyrinth getup, Robert Picardo as
    Meg Mucklebones from the same movie, and Ted Raimi as Possessed Henrietta from Evil Dead II.

  3. I was told that the Matrix guy (sorry, I don’t know his name lol) played the voice of V. Another guy did the moves, but passed away half way through the movie, or something…

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