A Groovy Gallery of Custom Video Game Shoes
I’ve owned the same pair of New Balance cross trainers for about two years now, so I’m definitely not the type of person who obsesses over shoes. I’m also not one who’s really into fashion, so as long as my shoes get me from point A to point B comfortably and without falling apart, I’m all good.
Some people, though, are nuts about fashion, particularly when it comes to shoes – women and rappers come to mind, but there are a lot of gamers sporting some very cool-looking kicks, too. Despite my lack of interest in footwear, I couldn’t help but admire some of the video game-themed shoes I found out there on the Interwebs. Hopefully, you’ll appreciate them, too.
The PlayStation Nike Air Trainer (limited to only 24 pairs)
A Final Fantasy Moogle
Super Mario Shoes by Rachelle Williams of ParadoxArtistry
Metal Gear Solid Shoes by Jacob Patterson
XBox Shoes ($2,500)
Monkey Island Shoes
Ninja Gaiden Shoes
Nintendo All-Stars
Pac-man Shoes
Tetris Shoes
Madden Shoes by Reebok
Gears of War
Pac-man Shoes by Ben Sherman
i am very surprised that there are no Halo shoes not that i would get them or anything just seems like the type of video game to have an extreme amount of clothing items and such
@ WhatItIs
Yeah, I agree…there’s Halo EVERYTHING. I’m sure there are some shoes out there that I couldn’t find, though.
Nvm i found a pair
There ya go…those aren’t bad, either, but I like high-tops/athletic shoes more than slip-ons.