A Gallery of 20 Humorous Game Glitches

Mass Effect – A Garrus/Ashley hybrid. I wonder if you can still make sweet, sweet love to it?


The Sims 2 – That’s one evil looking Simulant. Venom?


Half Life 2 – Invasion of the not-quite Hollow Man.


Fable 2 – Wait for it…


Saints Row – Though losing his bottom half in a tragic car accident, Joe learned how to hover, so it worked out in the end.


Oblivion: Shivering Isles – There’s something kind of Blair Witch-y about this and it creeps me out.


KOTR 2 – Why Jedis should never facepalm.


World of WarcraftWoW: The LCD Chronicles.


“NOW THE WOOKIES ARE MULTIPLYING!!! Gahh this is ****ing up my framerate.”


I didn’t do any Halo ones because I have a gallery chock full of those here.

Send me yours at unrealitymag@gmail.com and I’ll post them below.

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  1. Pingback: The Daily
  2. grarg KOTOR not KOTR Knights of the old republic if were to be any anything it would be KTOR but its not… and people need to realize that the spirit is supposed to be campy

  3. I had the wookie glitch as well, it also replaces the stupid robot in your party so you can go into the world with two wookies. bad ass. also, my glitch happened near the end of the game, and on xbox. hahaha

  4. That World of Warcraft one isn’t WOW specific. What happened is textures in video memory got corrupted. I’ve seen it plenty of times in other games. I’ve also seen it on the Vista desktop when running Aero. The desktop and application windows are rendered as textures on 3d surfaces. When those textures get corrupted,

    It’s more of a hardware glitch than a game bug, although a game developer can usually find workarounds. Otherwise, turning down graphics settings, updating video driver, or updating the video bios may fix it.

  5. I believe the SOCOM? is Operation Flash Point, that game was full of bugs, but still an amazing game. Looks like it’s running a mod too, at least doubling the chance of bugs.

  6. The SOCOM one is Operation Flashpoint. The ten team members at the bottom is the unique squad display system. By the looks of it, they are running Cops and Robbers Mod.

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