When Guns Just Won’t Cut It: Six Incredibly Cool Improvised Weapons From Movies

Mech Loader from Aliens

got your nose!

James Cameron reminding us why space is fucking awesome.

I bet you thought I was gonna pick all ninja shit for this list, huh? Or a ton of spy stuffz? Nopers. When I think improvised weaponry, NOTHING is all cool to me as Ripley using the mech loader to fight the alien queen at that climax of Aliens. That was a (fictitious) bot that was (fictitiously) designed to carry heavy loads with little impact on the wearer. Instead, it becomes this awesome, yellow space armor with killer “rock ’em sock ’em” action. It carries stuff and it it yellow, so in theory, it sounds super lame, but what it really did was instill a serious mech adoration in a bunch of young people like myself who  saw it and was all: I WILL own one of those one day.

And it’s clear to see how deep its roots reach into pop culture:


The Silverback mechs in Gears of War 3 were obviously modeled after the mech loader from Aliens.

Arm Chainsaw from Both Evil Dead Franchises 

evil ash

I hate to be cliche, but honestly, hail to the king, baby.

While I won’t spoil anything about the new Evil Dead for those of you who (foolishly) have not seen it yet, you still should stop reading now and go on to the next one on the list, knowing I am right. I will say that the arm chainsaw is not only one of the coolest improvised weapons in all of film, but also one of THE COOLEST THINGS EVER. While the tone of the two movies approaches the scene and improvisation differently, I can honestly say that any situation where someone can add a chainsaw to their stump of an arm, and the kill evil things with said chainsaw, is pretty fucking groovy, baby.

If you want to know my more in-depth thoughts on the new Evil Dead, click here. And stay tuned, because Paul and I are going to be debating this film’s worth on Unreality, very, VERY soon.

The Carrot in Shoot ‘Em Up

carrot cock

Shoot  ‘Em Up is, in my opinion, a wildly misunderstood (and sofa king awesome) film.

Oh, Shoot ‘Em Up. Much like the newborn in your picture, you were born into a world just not ready for you. So many people tell me they hated Shoot ‘Em Up for how unbelievable and over the top it was, and that enrages me. So, in essence, you hated what it was trying to mock? Shouldn’t that make you love it by default? And nothing stands as more  of a satire to just how meta was than the constant use of the carrot as a prop by the Clive Owen character.

And for those blissfully unaware of things, that carrot was a visual homage to Bugs Bunny. The cockiest bugger who ever lived (on celluloid). That was the film’s way of saying: We know what we are doing, we know this is silly and comical, and we are embracing that. And my God, they did so beautifully (IMO). The carrot gets used as a knife, it gets used to keep a trigger held down to make a gun automatic, and it is wholly jammed into a man’s eye socket. Actually, enough carrot talk. You need to see this shit in action to really grasp how awesomesauce it is. Like it or not, this is improvised weaponry taken to the extreme, and for that reason, I had to end the list with it.


From soundtrack to casting, this film is just pure, unbridled awesome.

Speaking of awesome, did I ever tell you about that guy who tried to warn people about his AIDS through passive aggressive songwriting? Now THAT’S an improvised weapon!

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  1. Remy, can I just say, you made my damn day by giving props to “Shoot ‘Em Up”. The amount of people who hate that movie is mind boggling.

    That movie rocks.

  2. @ DocDoom,
    you earn infinite respect from me for knowing the brilliance of that movie.
    @Sirgregory….huh? I mean, I agree, but huh?
    And trashcanman,
    maybe the best question ever. This post needs more crutch-fu.

  3. What, no mention or Rorschach using a deep fryer to super-murder an inmate? Or his use of two toilet bowls, used in two separate fashions, on two other scumbags, one of whom was Kramer’s dwarf buddy from Seinfeld? Tsk, tsk.

  4. nice list, i like all these movies and weapons, and understand that you don’t want to fill it with “ninja shit”, but a list about Improvised Weapons without any jackie chan seem a little bit uncompleted to me! it’s true that it’s hard to pick up one thing “super cool” out of all the things he used as a weapon (the only thing i can get in mind is this ladder : http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=uZ9DJZAoq3g#t=172s), but I think he deserve at least an honourable mention for his whole career at using day to day objects in fight.

    But if I could add only one weapon to this list, it would be the lawnmower in braindead!

  5. @ Seth, agreed, that whole scene when he is in jail is the best part of the flick
    @Shri, actually, agreed, that’s a fail on my part.
    I couldn’t say it better than you already did about Jackie Chan and ALMOST went with Braindead, but wanted to try to keep the list kinda horror free (cuz that is my safe zone) but all good calls, no doubt.

  6. I can honestly say, that I am not sorry that I dislike the new Evil Dead movie. To me it was all gore and no scare. Perhaps I’ve watched/played too many games that are very terrifying that they have numbed my “sense of fright”. Or maybe they could have amped up the “scare” aspect of the movie.

    That being said, it is awesome because of the gore. Not many movies can make me wince because of their gore, but this movie did.

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