What the…? How the…?

(click to enlarge)

They say the best artists are insane, and I’m inclined to believe that after seeing this exceptionally detailed rendering of a ferret in N7 Mass Effect armor by Olesya.

I’ve no idea what inspired such a picture, other than an obviously love for both intrepid space games and ferrets. For further evidence of her pet obsession, it’s also worth looking at Sub-Ferro-Zero, which is exactly what you think it is. You’re going to have to check him out below:

Unreality Trivia: During the first few months of operation of this site, I wrote anonymously under the handle “Sub Zero.”

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  1. Who knew adding ferrets to already amazing games, would only seemingly make them more amazing? I bet Ferret Shephard would take guff from no man or rodent alike.

  2. Wow Paul, I don’t normally nitpick this much, but two of your articles today had messed up opening sentences.

    “after seeing this exceptionally detailed ______ of a ferret in N7 Mass Effect armor by Olesya.” in this article

    “but it (that ‘it’ shoud be removed) according to Kiefer Sutherland, a 24 movie is going forward at last, and it’s set to start shooting this April.” from the 24 article

  3. this is the second time i see this picture…
    and the second time i thought it really looks like one of those “perry rhodan”-bool covers…
    anyone else?

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