What the Hell Happened to Movie Posters?
While Hollywood may have gotten lazy in many regards in this day and age, there’s perhaps no better example of this than the slow decline of movie posters into complete and utter nonsense.
The video above is a careful look at trends in past and present postermaking, and really serves to show just how bad things have gotten. Photoshop has made us lazy, with poster-makers having us swimming in a sea of teal and orange and giant floating heads. And sometimes, floating robot heads.
In short, Mondo should make posters for every movie.
And not one comment on this. Pitiful. This is exactly why Hollywood is allowed to get away with this.
Definitely got his rose-tinted glasses on there. It’s not fair to compare all the rank-and-file of today’s posters with a few iconic posters from the past. I’m sure that “back in the day” there was a lot of crap as well.