Unreality’s Free T-Shirt Contest

Happy almost St. Patrick’s Day! It’s that time of year again, and to celebrate, Unreality is partnering with T-shirts.com to offer free shirts to a few lucky Unreality readers. The site has a ginormous stable of movie, video game and geek related apparel, and two winners will receive a $55 credit to the website to buy whatever they feel like.

How to enter? It’s easy enough. Just comment with a link to the best piece of Legend of Zelda fan art you can find. He’s the closest video game character to a leprechaun I can imagine, and I don’t think I would have had the same result if I requested you to find Leprechaun: The Movie fan art instead.

So yeah, search the internet far and wide and provide your best Link links (hah). If there are repeats, whoever posted first has priority. It does not matter if we’ve featured it on the site before. When you comment, use your real email as that’s how we will contact a winner, and I don’t think yayaya@abc.com is your actual address. Good luck! Winner will be announced in a week.


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  1. As a change from the incredible range of artwork through photos and drawings, I figured I would upload something my brother made me. The photo is composed of a slab of various types of marble apoxyed (however you spell that) together to make the image.

    Hope you like it:


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