Throne of Games
I usually don’t pull comics, but I liked this one too much to pass it up. From (check them out, it’s a good site) comes this interpretation of Game of Thrones, flipped around to appeal to the gamer in all of us.
I particularly like the subtle touches like the flip flops and Nintendo Power Glove. I’m not sure what that machine gun controller is, but I think I want it.
I recently just sold my Guitar Hero guitars and Rock Band instruments to charity. That fad is officially dead for me. Though now I wish I had made a cool chair out of them.
How can you “sell something to charity” if you make a profit, doesn’t that mean its no longer charitable. I’m just messing with you though, cool comic though. If only season one of game of thrones would come out on dvd so I can finally watch it and be one of the cool kids.
Should have made the pommel of the sword a Wii Remote.
Thanks for posting this, it seems to have hit well with the gaming community. I came up with the gun controller when looking for different game paripherals. People can order prints of the comic off my site also!
Still one pc would pwn this entire throne