This is a Xenomorph T-Rex, Your Argument is Invalid
(click for full amazing size)
What would the most badass creature on the planet be, if it could combine the real and the fictional? I have a few I could picture, but a Xenomorph T-Rex is certainly near the top of that list. Artist Stjepan Sejic has brought that brilliant idea to life with a series of artwork, and the full scale of the beast can be seen in the first picture above.
We’ve learned from Prometheus, albeit rather confusingly, that the Xenomorph goo can spawn a whole host of creatures, not just the standard Alien alien we’ve seen for so many years. What if the goo got ahold of a dinosaur during prehistoric times? The result would be the greatest creature of all time.
There are two more pictures below, one of a Predator and one of that Predator riding said T-Rex. Yep, this just got even more awesome.
Maybe that’s what killed off the dinosaurs..?
Just for the record, observant viewers could have learned about the variant strains of aliens from the third film in the series. The creature in the third film spawned from a dog and was therefor stockier and more compact.
Also the toy line from the 90’s was a strong indicator. Case in point the Bat xenomorph. Look it up. Greatest toy ever? Probably not. Still cool though.
“Just for the record, observant viewers could have learned about the variant strains of aliens from the third film in the series. The creature in the third film spawned from a dog and was therefor stockier and more compact.”
It also sprinted across the ceilings, moved almost exclusively on all fours, and even Ripley at some point says that she’s “never seen one like this before”.
Yeah, the AvP comics and toys from the 90’s did something along these lines as well. Part of the first (?) AvP comic stoyline was that the Predators were seeding a remote planet with Alien eggs hoping to breed a limited number of Xenomorphs based on the relatively sparse local population. They didn’t realize that human colonists had started settling the planet as space cattle ranchers. Needless to say, there was a substantially greater Alien population than the Preds anticipated that were a mix of bull-aliens and more standard human Xenomorphs. This is all a little fuzzy, it’s been like 20 years. What I remember is still a better plot than the AvP movies.
Also there was the Pred-Alien from the AvP game and movie series.
Alien Resurrection also exists solely because some writer decided that the Xenomorphs actually gene-share or gene-swap to some level. They were able to reverse-engineer a breed of Xenomorphs using some of Ripley’s blood from Alien 3. A hack plot device to bring Ripley back from the dead that I suppose is cannon now?
It was established well before Prometheus that Xenomorphs can take on the attributes of whatever host they happen to inhabit. Which is totally badass.
Anyway, cool pic. I’m curious what the T-Rex-Alien Queen would look like.
there was also a Batman/Aliens crossover set in the amazon jungle that had an alien spawned from an alligator that was massive