She Might be the Best Cosplayer Out There
I don’t know this female’s name. I don’t know anything about her. What I do know is that she has an account at Deviant Art and has the name of Ryoko-Demon. Turns out that the demon has a fun hobby. She likes to dress up as various characters from fairy tales, movies, you name it. In short she might be the ultimate cosplayer.
And we’re talking an extensive library here. I don’t quite know why she does this. But let’s face it. This definitely makes for a pretty awesome picture gallery.
That’s not an elf at the top. That is Lum, a Japanese anime character.
Cosplaying as a trend needs to die with these peoples’ weird childhood interests in wearing Halloween outfits. How much money is wasted on these stupid outfits.
@ Tim – None of my money was wasted looking at these pictures.
her real name is Elena Litvinova. she has multiple cosplay sites.
Did Lum ever use a knife? What with the flying oni-girl lightening powers and all, I wouldn’t think she’d need one.
I gotta be honest with you, this stuff is barely fappable material. I don’t really see the point of cosplay if it’s not for females to dress up in slutty fantasy costumes.
If you just want to consider the costume making it’s good but I can think of a few I’ve seen that are better.
you are a pig Cornelius and no i don’t think lum ever had a knife or needed one
There are many fantastic cosplayers around. So many amaze me with the inginuity, engineering, and manufacturing that go into their outfits & equipment. A couple of my favorites are Yaya Han & ‘Riddle’. They have quite a presence on FB and, in Riddle’s case, a YouTube channel where she shows her manufacturing processes. They’re great
she is very good, but not the best I think ^^’
for some costumes there are better cosplayer out there
but she knows how to make the best out of the charakters and how to pose in photos, so its still a very good work
(btw. if you have a hobby, which makes you happy – who cares about the money? oO spend a hole amout of money on zigarets or alcohol is nothing better)
i couldn’t agree with you more. she is amazing!