The Girl Who Cosplays Metal Gear Solid
No, you did not read that title wrong. This is in fact a girl dressed up as Old Snake here, and doing a damn fine job of it too. There seems to be a trend recently about girls picking one game they love and cosplaying the hell out of it. Last week it was Zelda, and today we have Metal Gear Solid.
The cosplayer in question I believe is one we’ve featured before, though I’ll be damned if I can find the actual post. Her DeviantArt ID is OnPaperWings, and she does expand outside Metal Gear a bit, but it’s clear that the game is one of her favorites as she has three separate character costumes from it.
Thankfully, only two of them are male, though one is Raiden, and we all know he’s a bit on the feminine side. The other is Eva, which I think was many young gamer’s first crush, despite her blocky pixel form. Check out the full gallery below.
That’s gotta be a prosthetic chin… totally a man chin as snake, but nice and slender in other pics. Incredible makeup job. Smokin hot too
I’m pretty sure that in the description of several of the Old Snake cosplay photos it says that she only made the costume and another person wore it, so the title of this is completely wrong. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong though.
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, Raiden should have been a women from the very begining… It would have made the character a billion times more likable, but instead we have that annoying douche that everyone wants to kick in the crotch.
wow the most beautiful girl ever 🙂
I love her.
holy shit those pics are perfect the cosplay is perfect. its jus too bad ive never been a fan of MGS or been able to get into it but damn she is gorgeous no matta.
Sigh. I actually know this person and she is not cos playing as Old snake as that is actually here husband, in that case thou she did help him mostly in making it. She is however cos playing the cross dressing Ryden and the other chick in the yellow jumps suit which name escapes my mind at the moment.