The Things We Take for Granted


I like this picture, and it’s subtitle “Yes, this is an actual PC game screenshot,” because it reminds me not to take the game’s we have today for granted, and at the same time, gives me hope for the future.

Back in 1997, this Unreal screenshot was revolutionary,  today, even the Wii can render graphics at least twice that good (ha ha). But seriously, for how much we bitch about games, we often forget where we came from, and just how much technology has progressed.

On that same note, I really hope that 13 years from now, we’ll be looking back and laughing at our current generation of games as well. What does the future hold? Photorealism? Total immersion? I don’t know, but if it’s going to make our games now, look like that screenshot above, it’s got to be something pretty impressive.

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  1. Ha Ha! I HAD this same issue of Next Generation laying around somewhere in my house up until very recently! I liked their thick paper covers. Kinda like a strategy guide

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