Spot Your Favorite Oscar Nominee
(click for giant size)
No, this is not a group photo for ants. In fact, when you click on it you’ll be able to see the full roster of everyone and anyone who is nominated for an Oscar this year.
Well, maybe not everyone, but I didn’t go face hunting long enough to figure out who was missing. Did Joaquin Phoenix show up? I know how much he hates these things and I can’t seem to find him.
I love the dude on the left’s bold choice to wear a tan jacket and light jeans to this. And then about two inches above him appears to be some sort of character from Harry Potter.
I don’t see Daniel Day Lewis in there either!?!?
i think Joaquin is next to sally field below affleck…looking incognito…
When did unreality start doing that annoying as hell copy and paste thing that cracked does? I get that you want the website’s name out there, but shit, there’s no reason to add, “read more at,” to the end of everything I copy and paste from this site. You have essentially made the copy and paste functions useless, since I can’t think of a single person that would want to share a blurb with someone when you have that crap tacked onto the end.
Tynt, that’s the product I was thinking of. I abhorred it when Cracked started using it, and it’s just as bad here. Sure, you can still copy/paste from the main page without any problems, but when you do so from the full article, you get that article’s variant of:
“Read more at” tacked onto the end.
I honestly had no idea this was even a thing here. I deal with that all the time on other sites which is a pain, but can’t you just delete the extra text? That’s what I always do.
I found Joaquin Phoenix! WOO HOO!
Both Aubrey Plaza and Mark Duplass are absent from this picture. Damn the Academy.
Is the guy in the second row on the right side trying to be Austin Powers?!?!?