Slow Motion Archery in Skyrim is Deadly and Beautiful
I’ve toned it down with the Skyrim posts lately, as I’ve moved on from dragon slaying to cop slaying in Saints Row: The Third. My review of that went up earlier, but for now, let’s head back to the world of Elder Scrolls, where death is beautiful, and not usually as ridiculous as in Saints Row.
I’m not exactly sure how this video was made, I’m guessing some combination of the slow time shoot and a free camera video tool mod in the PC version, but whatever the case, it’s a great video with some kickass and exceptionally appropriate music to go along with it (off the Red Dead Redemption soundtrack no less). Check it out for yourself above.
slow down time shout + console command “tcl”
And here i was expecting for arrow to hit knees…
@White Boy
Naw, that’s Khajiits’ night eye power activated + TFC. If it was TCL, the arrows wouldn’t get anywhere.
Anyways, this is done using in-game tricks.