No More Batman Movies, So We Have to Get Excited About His Game Trailers Instead

With no more Nolan Batman movies to salivate over, the caped crusader’s coolest media outlet for now continues to be the Arkham series of games that started with Asylum, moves to City and now turns to Origins.

Yes, I hate prequels as much as anyone, but in this case, I don’t mind. It’s really just a way to set up a Batman game in the same universe as the others without featuring all the same characters. We’re not really learning the “origin” of Batman, I imagine, something that hasn’t been a mystery for, I don’t know, sixty years.

The first lengthy trailer for the game is above and has Batman battling Deathstroke, last seen fighting Green Arrow in the CW’s Arrow. He’s doing so here at the behest of Black Mask, a comic book villain who hasn’t gotten ANY screen or game time until now, I don’t believe. I remember when it was rumored that Joseph Gordon-Levitt was playing him in The Dark Knight Rises. Hah!

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  1. Tut, tut, Mr. Tassi! A little Wiki-walking would have revealed that Black Mask has already appeared in two animated series, one animated movie, and five video games.

  2. I’m aware OF him, but really I only recall seeing him in action in Batman: Under the Red Hood. In the movie Black Mask was first the Red Hood’s bitch, then he was the Joker’s bitch…

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