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Movie, TV and Video Game Fan Theories That Make Way Too Much Sense

“Pinky and The Brain. One is a genius, the other’s insane.” Brain constantly plans to take over the world, suggesting he is insane. Pinky often finds ways to ruin these plans.. so.. who is the genius?

That isn’t Forrest’s son. Jenny just takes advantage of him after she learns that he’s a shrimp tycoon.

All of the “Legend of Zelda” games are about the exact same cast of characters, but they’re being retold in different cultures around the world, accounting for the vast differences. Hence the name: the Legend of Zelda.

Steven Spielberg’s War of the Worlds would have been 100x better if the final shot was that tripod falling down and its alien pilot falling out except for one crucial diffence : instead of a generic alien body, the aliens behind the invasion are E.T’s. You find out in the last few seconds of the movie that you’ve been watching a sequel to what you thought was a cuddly, family-friendly movie about a young boy and his alien buddy, but was actually about how a naive little kid thwarted authorities and helped the alien scout who laid the groundwork for an invasion and attempted genocide.

Cameron invented Ferris and he’s living out what Cameron wishes he could be.

Back to the future. The Doc is ready to kill himself along with Marty in that parking lot during the first time travel scene. Not only has he never tested the time machine, but he claims that many of his inventions have been failures.

So during the moment when he’s about to find out if his life’s work was a huge success, or a complete waste, he not only drives the Delorian towards himself, but grabs onto Marty when he tries to run away.

If that first time travel test was a failure, they both would have been killed. Which is exactly what Doc wanted had the experiment been a failure.

The Bride doesn’t kill Bill in Kill Bill.

First you have to put her rampage in chronological order… She wakes up in the hospital, kills Buck, flies to Japan, kills everyone in the tea house, then comes back to the states to kill Vernita Green. We know this because O Ren’s name is already crossed off the list when she parks outside Vernita’s house.

In the process of killing Greene, she accidentally does so in front of her young daughter. Her immediate reaction is shame. She tries to hide the knife behind her leg.

From that point on, she doesn’t kill anyone else. Budd dies from a snake bite. Daryl Hannah’s character has her eye plucked out but is left alive.

Then we get to Bill… they tell the story of the five point palm fist of death technique, but in the training sequences it’s never shown that she learns it. We are specifically told that Pai Mei never taught it to anyone.

The other part that’s suspicious is the play acting, when Beatrix first runs into the house there’s a play scene with her daughter, they pretend to shoot her and she pretends to be dead. This is what Bill does.

At the end of the film, Beatrix is curled up on a bathroom floor crying “Thank you, thank you.” Who is she thanking? Bill for letting her go. It was the only way for either of them to exit the situation gracefully.

During the end credits, each of the people on the list who died gets a line through their name. Daryl Hannah is marked with a question mark because she was left alive… but Bill? Bill’s name isn’t marked at all.

Harry Potter imagines a delightful fantasy where he suddenly discovers he’s a wizard and has the save the world with his friends… while in reality he slowly starves to death locked under the Dursley’s stairs.

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  1. I think they mention the Star Wars theory in one of the books. I at least remember that Thrawn knew of the coming invasion and was preparing for it, so it makes sense that Palpatine could have as well. Great stuff!

  2. I love reading theories like this. The Ferris Bueller one is my favorite because it’s the same as Fight Club. Hell, I sometimes wonder if the person who first came up with the idea did so because Alan Ruck sorta looks like Ed Norton, lol.

    Here’s my contribution. Rocky 4. Drago purposely let Rocky win because Drago wanted the Cold War to end, and he knew Rocky was the only one who could do it. This is the only way to explain how Drago can kill Apollo in 2 rounds, but Rocky still stands after 15. When Drago tells Rocky “To the end” at the start of the last round, it meant “to the end of communism”. Drago even says “I Fight FOR ME!!” not for his country. “I MUST break you”, not “I WANT to break you”. His way of letting Rocky know that even though he has to hurt him, he doesn’t want to. However, it’s the only way to pass off this “fight” as real.


  3. I’m pretty sure this one is actually true but; Adventure Time is set in our very own world many years into the future, after a nuclear war. It wiped out most of the human race and mutated the rest into the likes of the candy people. This would explain all the strange monsters with weird powers (well according to fiction it would). There is also some evidence for this. In the opening credits the camera zooms through the land and the first thing it shows is a barren waste land with a nuclear bomb. Also, occasionally the characters mention something called “the mushroom war” which could be a reference to mushroom clouds.

  4. I really like the entries for Kill Bill and The Thing. I hadn’t considered either of those options, but they make sense.

    The Scooby Doo post-depression theory is something I’ve abided by since I first heard it. Granted, it’s Scooby Doo and it works just as well with no critical thought whatsoever applied, but seeing it this way makes the whole thing more fun for me.

  5. ¨Second of all, if you think about it, creating a weapon that can destroy planets doesn’t make a whole lot of sense when you’re fighting a war against a well funded, but decentralized and scattered rebellion. The Rebel Alliance wasn’t fighting a war of planets or borders or resources, they were fighting a war of attrition. What good is the ability to destroy a planet when your enemy doesn’t even officially control any?¨

    How about turning the civilian population against the rebels. Eg. we destroy your star system one planet at a time until you kick the rebels out. Brutal but effective.

  6. The star wars one is totally stated in the books. In many of the NJO books characters state that Palpatine would have made much less of a hash of defending the galaxy against the Yuuzahn Vong. The book “Rogue Planet” actually makes veiled reference to Palpatine being able to forsee the Vong invasion.

    The entire story of Outbound Flight is basically about the impending Vong invasion and Palpatine pulling strings to see if he can get any info on it.

    However, in reality, this is a retcon. They are taking elements of the OT and giving them a new spin to add depth and context to the OT and give the NJO series weight and credibility. Really that is a testament to the excellent writing of the NJO series, something sadly lacking in prior and later series.

    The Death Star was intended as a terror weapon, the ultimate expression of tyrrany and misguided force. That it would have been an awesomely effective weapon for destroying Vong Worldships is a convenience only allowed by the writers choosing something appropriate like that to include.

    Otherwise, great list.

  7. You do realize that that was the point of Willy Wonka right? It isn’t a conspiracy. Wonka wanted to find the least obnoxious kid in the bunch, Augustas had no self control, Veruca was an entitled little snob, Violet … chewed gum, and Mike was obsessed with TV to the point where the rest of his life was suffering. Wonka knew that these were going to be the kinds of kids he was going to get. He actively set up the tour so that the kids would get weeded out, that’s why he isn’t even a tiny bit surprised or concerned when these things happen. He lets them happen because they expose the character of the children. Every moment of the tour he was testing these kids.

    Not a conspiracy, it was the point of the movie.

    In the original episodes Gargamel wants to catch the Smurfs so he can eat them. The Smurfs live in houses made og hollowed out mushrooms, they hollow out the mushrooms by eating the insides of it.
    Psilocybin is the chemical compund in mushrooms that causes hallucinations.
    It is often identified as apppearing blue in its molecule form.
    Garagamel wants to eat the Smurfs because they are pure concentrated Psilocybin.

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