I Can’t Remember Why I Stopped Playing MW3 – Oh Right…


And to think, I thought you needed big levels to be an effective sniper. Are these bullets like cannonballs are something? Why do you only have to shoot vaguely in the direction of someone to get a one hit kill? I never understood this mechanic, but whenever I tried to do it myself, it felt like I could hit someone in the eye and they’d pull a Skyrim, “Huh? Is someone there?” before sprinting away from my line of sight.

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  1. You know, I was a huge fan of the modern warfare series and even with the issues MW2 had, it was still a great game…but quick scoping?! Seriously?! It’s retarded and unfair. They’re exploiting a glitch as a good thing but is actually ruining the franchise (along with the lack of creativity and horrible maps and spawns).

    Fix the quick scoping and bring back the real infinity ward!!!

  2. You don’t like MW3, we get it.
    Move on. I guess you need filler material for the sake, but geez. Talk about beating a dead horse.

    But for the sake of argument, I’ll bite.
    Is quick scoping exclusively a MW3 “problem”?
    Plus, you might be a bit blind. All those shots are placed in the upper body (arms included, which is the part I find issue with).

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