Here, Have Some Nightmares: Real Life Beavis and Butthead
(click to enlarge, but don’t)
This isn’t our first tango with the terrifying idea of bringing cartoon characters to life, but it is undoubtedly the scariest.
While those were mere pictures, what we have here are two full size busts of Beavis and Butthead crafted by professional makeup artist Kevin Kirkpatrick. I don’t know if this is for some new skit MTV is doing, or just for the hell of it, but in either case, I think these things should be burned before they come to life and start murdering people.
But serious, awesome job.
I knew real life Beavis and Buttheads. Living in San Diego, I knew these two guys named Gary(Butthead) and Luke(Beavis). The laughed, moved, and lived just like B&B. This was before B&B even came out. Since Mike Judge (A physicist…I’m not joking. My dad knew him personally) was working at UCSD in San Diego at the time, I’m convinced he met Gary and Luke and stole their personalities.
Considering Mike Judge said a very similar sounding story on Adam’s Carolla’s podcast when asked how he came up with the ideas for Beavis and Butthead, I think you may be right. Who are the guys, are they still alive, and where can we find them? With the way reality tv is going, these guys can have their own show by this time next year.
Holy cheeze! Butthead almost looks like he could actually exist, but Beavis looks like the Joker and Balok’s puppet had a baby.
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I’ve been freaked out before……………this goes beyond that
This is pretty cool !
Beavis looks like Lance Henriksen on acid