Funny Star Wars Photoshops in Honor of the Blu Ray Release
I’m sure most of you have been pretty excited about all the changes that the new Star Wars Blu Ray DVD has. It’s been a fairly large topic of discussion this week. And while I suppose we could go on and on debating what we like and dislike about the additions I’d rather just sit back this Friday and enjoy a little bit of life.
Plus anytime we have an excuse to post pictures that are Star Wars related it’s a good time. Thanks to the members at Something Awful, there are a bunch of Star Wars Photoshops that I hadn’t seen before that I felt appropriate to share.
Check them out:
Darth Vader about reading this article: “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”
Did we just get treated to a long collection of really crappy Star Wars photoshops directly after having to stomach this shitty article? EXCITED? Jesus, you should stop posting Star Wars content if you are actually excited for this Blu-Ray shit. There has never been any debate about the new additions. Every Star Wars fan hates the mere thought of what Lucas is doing to the trilogy.
Oh, and I think you had a typo in one of your sentences. Don’t worry, I fixed it for you:
“And while I suppose we could go on and on debating what we like and dislike about the additions I’d rather just sit back this Friday and enjoy a little bit of the worst photoshops I could find. But hey, I don’t write articles for you to enjoy; I prefer forcing my shitty opinions and bad recommendations down your throats.”
So, how long until Lucas redoes “A New Hope” and alters Mark Hammill’s face “post-accident facial surgery reconstruction”, so that “A New Hope” Luke matches the sequels Luke? He’s already done it on the covers. Take a look at the dvd covers of ANH in the last 10-12 years. The pics of Hammill are from the photoshoot AFTER the accident. Not only is his face different, but his hair is a different style, length, and color as well.
Get the fuck outta here, Lahey. Fuckin’ drunk bastard.
Yes! Someone else has seen Trailer Park Boys
I thought you said these were funny?