Eight Great Road Trip Comedy Movies
I’m not the biggest fan of flying and when I have it my way I generally prefer to drive to whatever destination I’m going to than fly. Granted I won’t do week long road trips all that often but when I have the chance to I usually like to do them.
And while we’re on that topic, the road trip has always been a great movie topic and today I’d like to focus on road trip movies that were particularly funny.
Here are eight you should all see at some point..
Midnight Run
This is one of my favorite movies that involves Charles Grodin. Personally I think this is the best role he’s ever been in. An extremely uptight, smart, and smart assy accountant who gives his bounty hunter (Da Niro) and extremely hard time on an unforgettable road trip that includes the FBI and the mob.
Road Trip
I think this is one of those movies that gets overlooked by the likes of movies like American Pie or the Old School’s of the world. Still though, it’s a really funny flick. And let’s not forget that this is ultimate Seann William Scott in his major Stiffler days. Plus you got a really funny Tom Green and a total loser in Breckin Meyer. Plus that old guy who gets high? Great stuff.
Little Miss Sunshine
A family determined to get their young daughter into the finals of a beauty pageant take a cross-country trip in their VW bus. Oh and with a dead person in the van mind you (eventually). This is Steve Carell’s early “acting” work where you saw him starting to become a decent performer other than comedy. Alan Arkin was amazing and the whole family dynamic was hilarious.
I wasn’t a big fan of Bruno at all but Borat on the other hand? This was one of the funniest movies I’ve ever seen. Honestly I don’t know how much of this movie was real and how much was fake but I really didn’t care. Those who were offended by this film took it WAY too seriously and if you could just step back and take it for what it was it was a tear inducing comedy.
Ah Wine Country. Going from place to place. Getting drunk. Falling in love. Getting into crazy adventures. Cheating on your wife. Getting left for dead naked in the cold. It’s all such family fun in this hilarious comedy about a struggling writer and his friend who is about to get married. They go off for one last hoorah before the big day and settle on Wine Country in the Napa Valley as their destination.
Cannonball Run
This one was a classic. Burt Reynolds and Dom Deluise manning an Ambulance on a cross country race to defy the law. Cannonball Run is about a bunch of misfits who enter a car race to see who can make it the fastest without getting caught by the cops.
National Lampoon’s Vacation
Do I even have to talk about this movie? Didn’t think so.
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
I’m always kind of 50/50 on this movie. I mean it was definitely a fun and good hearted movie but I’m not sure how funny it really was. Typical John Hughes greatness mind you but I just didn’t think it was that funny. Still though, a very solid movie all the way through and Steven Martin and John Candy were a great team.
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles is Hilarious especially the Pillow scene. This along with Midnight Run are my two favorites on this List. on a side not while not entirely a Road trip film but has many roadtrips in it I’m amazed not to see Tommy Boy on this list.
Dutch. – An Ed O’Neil classic.
“Da Nero” huh??
you missed ‘the trip’
starring rob brydon and steve coogan (playing versions of themselves… think larry david on ‘curb your enthusiasm’), it’s kinda a british ‘sideways’, as in, they go around beautiful english countryside drinking, eating and cracking wise. the dynamic between the two lead is undeniable and the movie features some truly laugh out loud sequences.
go watch this movie, arguably as funny as anything else on this list (and definitely better than ‘road trip’).
You forgot “Due Date” with Galifianakis and Downey Jr.