Death Stars Are All Around Us

Death Star

Outside the Vatican

I recently spoke to my relatives who came back from a trip to Disney World and the first thing I thought of was Epcot Center.  And then of course how that big sphere thing looks shockingly like the Death Star.

But have you noticed in recent years that there are tons of things out there that look like the Death Star?  It’s as if there are a ton of evil builders out there who are plotting on world domination.  I mean do we really need these people to build more Death Stars?  I mean build a happy little hut and at least pretend to be nice.

Do you really have to build a Death Star?  In any event, here are 15 examples of Death Stars being all around us

The Death Star Watermelon

Death Star

Dubai Hotel Design

Death Star

Death Star Cake

Death Star

Death Star Golf ball

Death Star

Globe Arena in Stockholm

Death Star

Gas Storage Building

Death Star

Belarus National Library

Death Star

Sphere Observation Deck in China

Death Star

Epcot Center

Death Star

The RAK Convention Center in the UAE

Death Star

Death Star Cookie

Death Star

Death Star Cantelope

Death Star

Death Star Tomato

Death Star

Hamster Home

Death Star

Death Star Pumpkin

Death Star

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  1. The very first one is by a famous sculptor.

    I can’t remember his name, but there are 2 of his Sphere’s in Dublin.

    The one outside the Library in Trinity College looks exactly the same, and another one is in front of the Central Bank just down the road.

  2. Any idiot can see that there’s a bunch of retarded additions to this. Wow some spheres! Why didn’t you add a soccer ball to this since the whole list is basically bad except the obviously made to look like fruit/cakes/etc.

    Also, you guys have obviously never played golf.

  3. The “Gas Storage Building” actually look like those round ships with three boosters on the side that they have to shoot down in the one where padme, anakin, and obi are captured and have to fight the creatures.

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