Cosplay of the Day: Lady Vaas
Far Cry 3 is one of those games that managed to surprise me, mainly because I had no expectations going into it. Yes, it was the typical Ubisoft “liberate areas of the map” format in some ways, but it was an open world shooter that still managed to feel a little bit fresh with an interesting story and cast of characters.
The biggest character of all was Vaas, one of the main villains of the story played by Michael Mando. The voicework and motion capture was so spot on, it tranlsated his performance into being one of the most memorable in video game history, in my opinion (though “performances” in video games haven’t been around very long at this point).
Naturally, he’s been cosplayed a bunch, but I did like this crossplay version of the character by Delsey Cosplay, which had the mohawk and machete fall to a girl instead. More photos below: