Building Returned to Fortnite – With Options

Fortnite building no building Zero Build

“Fortnite” has always been a game that has repeatedly shocked and surprised its audience, and observers around the world but recently the battle royale king started its most recent season without the ability for its players to build, something that has been at the foundation of “Fortnite” since its founding. However, it was all tied to the overall storyline taking place throughout the game right now, and while building was out for more than a week, it has officially returned with a bit of an option for players to choose from now when they decide to play. Below, we’ve gone into detail on Fortnite without building, building returned to “Fortnite”, and even other interesting things that have already and are set to take place throughout the season.

Fortnite Zero Build

“Fortnite” Zero Build, as it has now been dubbed, was the only mode available when the new season of “Fortnite” started and lasted for about two weeks until earlier this week when Epic Games officially named the game mode Zero Build, and since the other day have also added the option to play with building, which we will discuss further below. However with Zero Build now being its own mode, the players are certainly divided one way or the other but personally, I’ll be mixing it up a bit with what I play as both modes have their own perks. The new Zero Build mode, on top of the new movement system, which included sprinting and mantling in all modes added a new shield for players to take advantage of called Overshield, which may remind some of the “Halo” franchise, that will start to automatically fill up once you have jumped from the Battle Bus. The new addition of Overshield to the battle royale game could be classified as a lifesaver at the very least as instead of losing any health or shield and needing to use your items in order to replenish them, Overshield will be the first to go and restore itself automatically after not being damaged. Epic Games ultimately decided that not having the ability to build and defend yourself with the use of materials, an automatic shield that gets used before the standard shield that could be healed with items. Overall, “Fortnite” also decided to keep Zero Build as a standalone mode to choose to play solo, duos, trios, or squads as Zero Build or the original version of these modes as building has returned to “Fortnite”.

Building Returned to Fortnite

Thankfully, as building has returned to “Fortnite”, the Epic Games royale, things feel normal again within the game’s core modes, but the concept of building being vanquished by a foe that just won’t seem to die truly brought the narrative that has currently been told to be stronger. While building has returned to Fortnite, the season has still been hectic otherwise with the addition of tanks, and other vehicle-related items. Items released to help turn a regular vehicle within the “Fortnite” island include the Cow Catcher, a shield to be added as ground cover as well as a vehicle mod to add a strong shield to the front of your vehicle that can decimate nearly anything in its path. The other item added, on top of the recently added Off-Road Tires to add to a vehicle a few seasons back, a welding tool that can repair vehicles was also added this season that adds almost infinite health to vehicles treated properly. With those items added to a vehicle, building is no match as it had returned to “Fortnite” but Armored Walls, on the other hand, can be an issue. Overall, while “Fortnite” clearly planned to take away building in Fortnite to some extent in order to reflect a stronger storyline, they certainly compensated with all of the additional features added this season so far, and more to come throughout the season as well, in order to make a great player experience regardless of what mode they play from here on out.

Fortnite War Effort

“Fortnite” has previously, occasionally added Donation Boards that players could use to donate gold and contribute to the War Effort and although these haven’t been found throughout every, or even most, seasons but the seasons that have had a War Effort or Donation Boards available to them on the map, have tended to include a large pool of rotating items from the vault, and with building returned to “Fortnite”, the War Effort Donation Boards have changed a bit. The change noticed within the Fortnite island for the current season’s War Effort Donation Boards was not only the inclusion of two different assault rifles racing to be player’s preferred weapon, and donation goal, but new this season was that both guns could be found until voting took place in order for a true decision to be made without unnecessary backlash from players unhappy with the winning gun. Overall, with building returned to “Fortnite”, even with new modes, things are as hectic as they’ve ever been.

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