An End, Once and for All


It’s been a damned good ride.

This post will be the last I write for Unreality, and it’s quickly shaping up to be the hardest. I’ve been spending the past few months lining up some new writing projects, and have actually managed to get some ducks in a row on that front. I’ve published a few standalone freelance pieces, and fingers crossed I’ll continue to do so. I’m also editing a collection of short stories that I hope to release into the wild sometime soon.

Most excitingly though, I’m gathering the resources to start my own games writing site, Video Dame. I don’t expect to quit my day job and make boatloads of money or anything—hell, I quite like my day job writing ad copy for a book publisher, nerdy Mad Men style—but I’m excited to have a place on the internet to call my own. What can I say? I like having control. (Note: I still didn’t choose the Control ending.)

Of course, none of this would be happening if I didn’t start writing for Unreality a year and a half ago. A longtime reader, I jumped at the opportunity to write for a favorite site, and I’m so grateful to Paul for taking me on. I’d also like to thank Nat for being Unreality’s benevolent overseer. He loves this site, and working through some recent backstage shenanigans with him really drove that fact home, not that I ever held any doubt otherwise. Paul and Nat, thank you both, and I wish you years of continued success.

I’d also like to take a moment to give a round of applause to my fellow writers. Remy was my first and fastest partner-in-crazy, TJ (you still work here? Teej? TEEJ?) became my go-to comedy springboard on social media, Benny is my sister from another mister, I couldn’t be happier Nick finally crawled out of that trashcan, David R is my favorite lover of movies everyone hates, Joy is a bigger nerd than even me (a compliment, obvi), Indy has great taste in television and an even greater first name (just don’t tell me it’s really Henry), Lyle’s enthusiasm for film and TV knows no bounds, and E. Lee knows more about the inner workings of “Hollyweird” than anyone else on the site, methinks.

If I’ve forgotten anyone scold me soundly in the comments. Please.

Which brings me to you. Thank you for reading. Thank you for commenting. Thank you for disagreeing with me, agreeing with me, or agreeing to disagree with me. Thank you for helping me complete my various and sundry pop culture lists. Because of you, I’ve discovered some new old favorites of mine. Thank you for being so intelligent, so articulate, and so civil. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you are hands down the best commenters on the internet. I’m so proud to be rejoining your ranks.

You didn’t think you’d get rid of me that easily, did you?

Seriously—thank you all. It’s been unreal.

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  1. Sara,

    Sad to see you go. I remember reading your Pete Campbell article where you paraphrased Henry Higgins and said, “I’ve grown accustomed to his bitchface.” I remember laughing out loud at the one, and then recalling the line days later and chuckling.

    Drop us a line to your new site sometime. Video Dame has a nice ring to it. It’s always important to come up with a good name.

    Speaking of which, yeah, it’s actually Indy. It’s short for Indiana. I like to think I was named after Indiana Jones, but then again, Other Indy was named after the dog, so…

    Anyway… you’ll be missed. Best of luck with wherever this crazy and wonderful writing thing takes you next. I’ll be rooting for you.


  2. Best of luck to you in all of your trials, tribulations, and trapeze acts (from which you’ll always defy death!). You have a singular intellect and an eye for the ‘unreal.’

  3. To quote one of my favorite movies: “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO…”

    But seriously, wishing you all the best as you move onto other things. Those projects sound pretty nifty, so I look forward to continuing to read your stuff… whether it be on Video Dame (keep us posted!), our comments section, or somewhere else.

  4. Sara,

    Thanks for some great articles. You will be missed around these parts. Good luck with your new site. I will keep checking to see when it’s up and look forward to reading it.

  5. It has been an honor to work beside you my dear, and I hope we get opportunities to do so further down the road. You have a delightfully unique voice that was made for this, and I can only imagine how much success is waiting for you. Hell, I can’t quit these guys (we have a Brokeback thing going on) so know your old fam will be here, whenever you need us. Much love, and proud to know you, girl.

  6. You’re killing me, lady. You’re a titan on this site and it’ll take more than the internet has to offer to try and replace you here. But what could be cooler than doing your own thing? NOTHING. The fact is that the gaming industry needs more people like you in charge and that isn’t going to happen if they settle for just contributing to other peoples’ projects. See you, space cowgirl, and GO KICK THEIR ASS!

  7. Well, now I’m just sad, and not just because of that gut-punch of song title+header image. You’ve long been my favorite writer on this site, and your name attached to an article was usually enough to get me to read it, even if I wasn’t familiar with the subject matter. I’m glad to hear that you’re moving on to bigger and better things, and I’m looking forward to adding Video Dame (great name, by the way) to my bookmarks bar.

  8. Sigh, really sad to see you go. It’s always awesome when a recruit turns out to be so talented, and you’ve been a pillar of the site for almost two years now. Thanks for all your hard work and for being an example to the rest of us. You’re welcome back any time.

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