Ridiculously Awesome Unused ‘Mortal Kombat’ Character Models
This collection of amazing drawings are from Vincent Proce, for a pitch he made to Midway for a multiplayer hack-n-slash Mortal Kombat game that never got off the ground, which as you can see from the sketches, is a damn shame. Really, they picked DC vs MK over this?
In addition to Scoprion up there, he also had concept art for Raiden, Sonya and Kano which I’ve posted after the jump, and hopes to do the rest of the characters in his free time, even though he no longer works for Midway. Some truly awesome stuff here, click on any of the pictures ot make them bigger.
These are a pretty cool take on the already awesome characters. Gotta love Sonya’s new endowments.
fuck they look mad ass, especialy scorpion and sonya, can’t believe they picked mk v dcu over this
nice cocepts.. especially scorpion.. i checked the artist website for more but coudn’t find any.. where did u find these ?