A Really Cool Gallery of Minimalist Superheroes
We’re becoming huge fans of minimalist art here at Unreality. At least I know I am. There’s something refreshing knowing that a whole lot can be accomplished by the use of just a few lines or colors. It definitely helps put things into perspective.
And here we are with yet another awesome display of minimalism. A reddit user by the name of Bloop came up with these. They are our classic superheroes but minimalized.
We got these via Geeks are Sexy…..
Captain America
Aqua Man
Green Hornet
Iron Man
Jean Gray
The one for Dick Grayson should be titled NIGHTWING, not ROBIN.
the one that says robing should say nightwing methinks
Man, those Batman’s are making out pretty hard.
Scarlet should be Scarlet Witch and Green Hornet should be Green Lantern.
What is it with this site and minimalist drawings? I liked them for a while, but now it seems like every other gallery you post is about minimalist this or minimalist that.
# Jim Lahey,
total agreement.
I can’t unsee the Spiderman one being a greatly expanded Spiderman head with a tiny face.
the blue sections in the “A” on captian america’s head look like that pryamid on the dollar bill with the top seperated and everything
who is that bronze wrath?!