A Fake Gun Collection that’s Cooler than a Real One

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Why hoard real guns when you can amass a collection of fake ones that look just as cool and can’t actually hurt anyone? That’s a debate for another day, but this is an undeniably awesome collection from prop maker Andrew Cook. He’s crafted a dozen or so guns from Halo and Mass Effect that now adorn the walls of his gaming room.

Want to know what they’re made of? Well, he has some YouTube videos detailing the process.

There’s one more close-up shot of most of the guns below. Most appear to be from Halo, and I can name about eight out of the eleven. Top left and third down from right are giving me trouble. 

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  1. I believe the top left and third from the right are both from Mass Effect 3.

    I’m no expert but I think they are the Mattock and Phaeston respectively. (ME3 multiplayer is great!)

  2. Damn. And here I thought this section would have devolved into a gun control shitstorm by now. I’m, impressed, gentlemen. I so want that Binary Rifle. And yeah, Max, ME3 shockingly provided me with some of my favorite multiplayer gaming of the past year. I kind of wish no other games had come out so I could still be paying it now, especially considering the unbelievable amount of free additions Bioware has provided.

  3. “Why hoard real guns when you can amass a collection of fake ones that look just as cool and can’t actually hurt anyone?”

    Ding ding ding! We have a winner in the “I don’t understand the actual point of collecting guns” competition. People don’t collect guns to have cool stuff on their walls. Buy paintings or posters if that’s what you want. Gun collectors are every bit as much into shooting their guns as they are into displaying them.

  4. These are all Halo 4 weapons. There is not a single Mass Effect weapon here. I’m guessing the giant Halo 4 poster did not make it clear how much of a fan he is.

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