A Collection of Insightful Quotes from Jean Claude Van Damme
In all my years of fawning over Jean Claude Van Damme I’m still not 100% sure if it’s in a way that I’m making fun of the guy or I legitimately like the guy. I have a very strong feeling that it’s a little bit of both. I mean in his 80s movies the guy is a complete stud. Granted his acting is terrible. The movies are borderline stupid. But come on man. It’s entertainment. And I think that Van Damme is well aware of all of this.
But it turns out that in real life the dude is just as entertaining. In fact so much so that we’ve dedicated an entire gallery to posting pictures of him littered with quotes he’s given over the years. It’s amazing.
Check out the pics after the jump…..
Is this guy amazing or what? More quotes below
I can relate to not knowing if you genuinely enjoy him and his movies in and of themselves, or if it’s due to the corntastic awesomeness that permeates both.
At the end of the day though, I will watch any Van Damme movie that is put in front of me and love the crap out of it.
I really understand how you feel about JCVD!
As a belgian, I never know if I should be a little bit proud or shame that he is one of our most well know compatriot worldwide.
I love how the quote about him not making any more bad movies is in the Street Fighter pic. The movie that began the downfall of his career.
but… we do use sound to communicate???