A Casual Guide to Your Next [Hilarious] Standup Comedy Affair

4)  Get political up in here

You: Have a college education (or at least part of one); watch the news once a week; know when the next election year is; pay your taxes on time; have voted at least once; enjoy making fun of people in charge

They: Dig that last thing about you the most

Anyone can become skilled at telling a good fart joke, but political comedians are a bit more evolved. And while their bits can get as ridiculous and over-the-top as any other comic’s, the news these jokes are based on is real. I heard a while back that more people get their news from The Daily Show than actual news shows, and while I’m too lazy to fact-check at the moment, I wouldn’t be surprised if that info was 100% true. Politics are confusing, but confused audiences don’t laugh super loud, and political comics are adept at contrasting political goings on with stuff the average Joe can relate to. For example, a lot of right-wing movements appear to be based on irrational, conservative fears (e.g., “The gays are out for America’s blood!”). Such caustic sentiments aren’t super funny on their own, but they might be if someone contrasted that irrational fear of homosexuals with, say, an irrational fear of bears.

Get to know a political comic!


You might also dig: George Carlin, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Bill Maher, Dennis Miller, David Cross

5)  Get a little racy (and maybe racist)

You: Aren’t easily offended

They: Offend everyone who is

One of the awesome things about comedy is how it tests the limits of social boundaries by pushing taboo topics into the proverbial spotlight. Comedians of the black comedy ilk have a dark passenger or two on their shoulder, and they habitual flirt with the macabre. Brace yourself for a rape joke or three.

Get to know a dark comic!


You might also dig: Ricky Gervais, Christopher Titus, Doug Stanhope, Sarah Silverman, Daniel Tosh, Jim Norton

6)  Express themselves through song

You: Love show tunes; sing in the shower every morning; have written a breakup song for every boyfriend/girlfriend you’ve ever dated; don’t play an instrument

They: Express themselves through song. And comedy. Duh.

Get to know a musical comic!


You might also dig: “Weird Al” Yankovic (double duh), Craig Robinson, Flight of the Conchords, Jon Lajoie, Sean Cullen, Bo Burnham, Tenacious D, Margaret Cho,  Jimmy Fallon, The Lonely Island

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  1. You’re lucky in NYC then, because the only standup comedy available here in PC-Land are super cleaned and extra checked just in case it upsets the harmonious balance of society.

    I dunno which category Greg Proops fall into though… and my first love of comedy is still of improv…

  2. Add Garfunkel and Oates for musical comedy.

    Overall, two of the best comics working out there today are Chris D’Elia and Hannibal Buress. Buress is compared a lot to Hedberg, and reasonably so, but his special on Comedy Central is magnificent, and his work on the Eric Andre Show, while not suited for everyone’s taste, is good too.

    It’s a sin that D’Elia is so underused on Whitney. He’s a master of call-backs and crowd work and he has an energy that adds to his humor.

    Other noted comics: Rory Scovel (that guy from the beeping car commercials) Marc Maron (because he didn’t wear pants for his guest spot on Louie), the list goes on.

  3. @Inter Milan Kundera
    Good picks! Didn’t have nearly enough time to cover every good comedian that’s in the mix today…

    Sometimes when you read articles past the first paragraph or so you’ll find what you’re looking for.

  4. At work I got sick of listening to music on youtube (work filters somehow only missed Youtube) so I started with comedy specials and came across Patrice O’Neal’s “Elephant in the Room.” While it’s a great special, it’s definitely not my favorite, but as I listened to more from Patrice I’ve come to respect that dude’s razor sharp cut downs & insults.

    Holy shit can he throw out some ego bashing insults.

    Heard some old O&A clips he was in that were great, followed by some “Remember when…” clips from right after he died that told by various comedians (from Louis CK to Colin Quinn) that were absolutely ridiculous. Finally I found myself watching some old Tough Crowd clips on youtube where he just smashes other comedians, like when saying Jim Norton looks like a shell-less turtle.

    With that being said, I nominate Patrice O’Neal be included in the Insult Category.

    (All that aside, great list & categorized perfectly.)

  5. @J5 i was expecting 2 find patrice in the racy category but he does fit well in the insult.

    my i sugest to u bill burr as someone i think is a great comic (& an O&A regular)

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