10 Awesome Trailers to Fan-Made Video Game Movies


It’s pretty obvious that pretty much every movie that has ever been based on a video game has been utter crap.  When the best of the genre are Silent Hill and the Resident Evil series, you know you’re in trouble.  Quite simply, movie producers and directors don’t “get” the games they turn into movies, and if they do, those games should have never been adapted into movies to begin with.  Video game fans, it seems, have a much better idea about what the genre should be – if it’s bad ass, make it bad ass, and if it’s silly, well, make it silly.  After the jump, take a look at the work of said fans, and enjoy 10 awesome trailers to fan-made video game movies.  My personal favorite is either Paperboy or Halo (despite Halo using clips from games and commercials).

Mario Paint:


Dig Dug:



The Legend of Zelda:


Mario Kart:


Mega Man:



Got any fan-made video game movie trailers I didn’t include?  Let me know in the comments section and if you provide a link to a cool one, I’ll think about adding it.

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