World of Warcraft Armor Robes


Tired of not wearing any pants as you raid dungeons in World of Warcraft? Well, now you can not wear any pants AND play pretend even more than you already are! These are officially licensed  (seriously?) World of Warcraft “armor robes” that you can own for the low, low price of $149. 

They will protect you from the dastardly foes of “actual clothing,” “bathroom breaks” and “energy drink heart palpitations.” Well, probably not, but the power of positive thinking can do wonders. The two styles are Avatar Regalia (Tier 5, Priest) or Judgement Armor (Tier 2, Paladin), classes I’m not familiar with despite not playing the game because of my undying devotion to Hearthstone. Currently both those classes are overpowered as all hell.

Check out a view of the front below:


[via Fashionably Geek]

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