“That Guy” Actor of the Week: Vernon Wells


I had to put this guy in here for three reasons.  One?  Madison has a man crush on this guy and Two?  He played Bennett in Commando and got to be part of a series of one liners that will forever be remembered as one of the best displays of horrible yet amazing comedy in an action movie ever.   The third reason?  His name is Vernon Wells.

For those of you that follow sports Vernon Wells is an outfielder for the Toronto Blue Jays.  Also, does Bennett look like his real name would be Vernon Wells?  I mean come on.

The Australian born actor is now 65 and still going strong.  Personally I loved him in Weird Science as the pseudo Mad Max character “Lord General.”   But the man has an extensive resume with over 95 movie and TV credits.

I just want to give the guy some credit where credit is due.  Obviously I have a Bennett clip:


This is every awesome moment containing Bennett.   And it’s worth every single second.

“I love listening to your little piss ant soldiers trying to talk tough.”

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  1. “Let off some Steam, Bennett” just may be my favorite Arnold line of all time. That, or “Please don’t wake my friend, he’s dead tired.”
    F’in Commando is a classic just for those 2 lines.

  2. I love this movie, but Dan Hedaya trying to act like a tough drug lord always made me laugh. Maybe it’s because the first thing I remember ever seeing him in was The Addams Family as Telly.

  3. Vernon Wells is awesome for being Bennett and for being Wes in the Road Warrior. It takes something special to make a flamboyantly gay S&M biker wearing assless chaps into a crazy badass.

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