True Blood Episode 2.6 Review
Another week, another True Blood review. It’s been established what Maryann is capable of and how dangerous she can be, we know why Eric is so intent on finding Godric, and Daphne, like Sam, is a shapeshifter. Still, what is Daphne’s deal? Is Maryann truly evil? And what’s going to happen with Lafayette? Episode 2.6 of True Blood helped to shed a little bit more light on those questions, and it also gave us a glimpse into Bill’s past. It wasn’t really what I expected, but I also wasn’t too shocked. Keep reading for the full review of True Blood Episode 2.6.
Read last week’s review HERE.
We didn’t see a lot of Bill and Sookie together this week (and I know some of you were probably pretty happy about that). Sookie went off to infiltrate the Fellowship of the Sun – more on that in a bit – whereas Bill’s scenes came courtesy of a flashback from his maker, Lorena. It seems that Eric invited Lorena to Dallas simply to keep Bill out of his and Sookie’s way, and he knew that as Bill’s maker, Lorena would be able to control him. Eric is unfortunately only in this episode for a few minutes, but we do get to see him feed pretty nonchalantly on a human.
Anyway, Lorena’s flashback shows that her and Bill were once lovers back in 1926 Chicago. They’d seduce couples, apparently, and then feast on their blood. Bill was particularly nasty in the flashback sequence, as we’re used to seeing him kind of mopey most of the time. He and Lorena bang in a pool of blood, right next to the body of a dying woman whom Bill had just recently drained. Sookie should know that everyone has a past, but I think she’d be better off not knowing about this part of Bill.
Sookie: Do you have any secrets, Bill Compton?
Bill: Like what?
Sookie: You know, like sexual. One time I kissed a girl.
Bill: One time I had sex in blood next to a dying girl. Nothing crazy like what you did.
Sookie, meanwhile, is off to the Fellowship of the Sun with Hugo, the human lover of Isabel. They are to pose as an engaged couple interested in getting married at the Fellowship’s church. All goes well at first, it seems, but somehow, Steve Newlin either knew who Sookie was or guessed that she was up to something. Either way, Sookie and Hugo are captured and held underground in a tomb under the church. Bill can sense that Sookie is in danger, but Lorena overpowers him and pins him to the bed so that he cannot assist Sookie.
Jason and Sarah Newlin get it on – for God, according to Sarah – and I don’t think anyone should be surprised. Their hookup was weeks in the making. Between the Jason/Sarah scenes from the past couple episodes, Sam and Daphne, and Maryann’s orgies, True Blood has really upped the sex this season. Not that I’m complaining.
Daphne has Sam completely smitten, but of course, she’s too good to be true. As a trick, Daphne leads Sam to one of Maryann’s parties/orgies (and wow, did Maryann turn into a royal bitch or what?), and Maryann is doing her vibrating thing while everyone around her – including Tara and Eggs – have sex. Maryann dons the head of a bull (now we know why the mysterious creature was bullheaded) and it looks as though she is intent on killing Sam. Of course she won’t, but we’ll have to see how Sam escapes next week.
Lafayette, as Andy noted, has lost a lot of his “pizazz,” and it kind of sucks to see him so scared and shocked. I miss the old, flamboyant Lafayette. Anyway, Pam instructs Lafayette to start selling V again, and she even provides him with a bottle of the stuff. Why? My guess is that this way Pam and Eric can track down users, which may in turn lead them to something else. What do you think?
Finally, what was the deal with Eggs having a severe case of deja vu in the woods? I thought at one point that Maryann is able to use people like puppets, and so maybe Eggs was under her influence in the past and has passed through those woods unaware.
And the pig that was alongside Maryann when Tara was “drunk” and crashed her car last season? That’s Daphne, right? It has to be. I think Maryann’s vibrating turns her into that pig, just as it turned Sam into a dog.
We were treated to a Hoyt/Jessica scene, which is always fun, and it was great to see Hoyt take a stand against his overbearing mother. I was a HUGE Amy fan from last season, but man, Jessica is really growing on me. The actress who plays her is just gorgeous.
One last thing: do you think they’ll have a scene where a vampire captured by the Fellowship “meets the sun,” as Steve Newlin put it? And is there any chance that that captured vampire is Godric? I’m not sure about who the vamp will be, but I am really hoping we get to see this go down.
What did y’all think?
You took the words out of my mouth about Mary Ann: total bitch. I wanted to punch her in the face about complaining about no hot water. Seriously? She obviously didn’t grow up in a big household.
When Daphne transformed to a pig, I knew something bad had to come of it. I think that she is controlled by Mary Ann somehow, maybe from her being attacked by her (the scars on her back).
Is it just me or is anyone else kinda annoyed with Bill? I mean I like Bill, but lately he just seems boring to me, and the scenes he are in don’t interest me at all. I’d rather be watching Eric, mainly because a.) he’s hot (doesn’t hurt), and b.) he is witty and interesting.
As for the church, I want to know how they knew that Sookie was trying to infiltrate. Was she just acting strange? I didn’t think she was, for the most part.
Finally, gotta love Hoyt.
@ Laura
I am thinking that yes, Maryann “controls” people after she scratches them. It makes sense. And I’m glad Sam finally asked her about those scratches – about time.
I don’t get annoyed by Bill, but he is pretty boring. Eric is definitely moe interesting.
And about the church knowing about Sookie? I’m not sure, but my guess is that their intelligence is pretty good. They seem to be taking the war against vampires very seriously. Steve Newlin is far from naive.
Steve Newlin knows that Sookie can hear his thoughts, (he thinks something like “you’re pretty listening right now, right?”) so they obviously know who she is.
The flashbacks were very “An Interview With A Vampire”-like, but that’s cool. 🙂
“And the pig that was alongside Maryann when Tara was “drunk” and crashed her car last season? That’s Daphne, right? It has to be. I think Maryann’s vibrating turns her into that pig, just as it turned Sam into a dog.”
Well, I think Daphne turns into a pig herself too, but she is obviously controlled by Maryann.
It is probably Godrick, who’s about to meet the sun. I’m thinking he’s totally covered in silver or something.
@ Laura & Madison: Both my wife and I agree with you on Bill as well (we had the “I hate Bill” conversation after the above episode). We just can’t seem to connect with his character. He comes across as such a p**sy.
I too would like to see Lafayette return to his former self. I really liked his character and thought he really added to the show.
P.S. Eric is still the best character on the show.
@ Marcus
I think you’re right about Steve. Like I said, he’s definitely not naive. And I kind of hope you’re right about Godric.
@ IcemanD
I don’t hate Bill, but he is pretty bland. And he is sort of a pussy. At least Sam isn’t afraid to mix it up when push comes to shove.
And I agree about Eric – best character by far.
i hate mary ann. hate her, hate her, hate her. she’s been doing this bossy bitch/vibrating parties thing since the end of last season. if they had moved this episode’s developments up to episode 3 and skipped at least two of the vibrating parties, i could still be interested in her. but now i feel like half of the season has been wasted.
to me, the big problem the show has this year is that there are too many supernatural characters and subplots. last season was better because you had the “vampires try to live among suburban mortals” premise, and that provided balance.
now, almost everybody is either a supernatural being, or they are involved with a supernatural being.
the fellowship of the sun plot has been good. i’m worried about where the writers are taking it though.
eric has been great. lorena looks like she’ll be good. jessica is great; i like that they’re treating her plot so the relationmship unfolds naturally.
ii think bill and sookie have been boring because there’s just not anything new going on between them. i don’r mind the change of scenery, and there have been some good scenes, but they’re in a holding pattern.
lafayette has been disappointing. he was my favorite character last year. tara has lost her edge because of the stupid mary ann subplot. overall, i’m still enjoying this season, but i think it needs a big course correction before things get too corny.
@ Paul
I can’t say I disagree at all. I don’t hate Maryann, but yeah, if everyone is supernatural, it takes the mystery out of it quite a bit.
Which is probably why I, too, and very intrigued by the Fellowship plot.
is there anybody who LIKES MaryAnn or Bill?? lolz…just reading the comments cracks me up ^^Although I did enjoy hte flashbacks with Bill and Lorena..i think I prefer Bill as a jerk than as a spineless blob on the just makes it a little bit like Twilight..
I’m pretty sure it is Godric that they’re keeping in the basement…i would be extremely surprised if it wasn’t (but true blood is full of surprises)…but my question is..what if Jason sees Sookie in the basement?…Something big would happen and stuff would just crumble..but if Steve knew she could read minds.was a fangbanger..wouldn’t he know that she’s related to Jason?..thus the plot thickens XD..
and did anyone else see the Comic-Con exclusive trailer??It’s on the true blood website know but it shows bits for the rest of the season…bad things are going to hapen..including to Eric (which caused my best friend and I to cry…a lot)…
@ orlisjangel
I like Bill a lot better when he’s “mean.” The emo crap is played, bear your fangs and feast on some humans, dude.
And I missed the Comic-con trailer…I am upset to hear that bad things happen to Eric…is it really bad?
I saw that, too. It looked like Eric was being held down by silver chains or something. They showed a lot for the last half of the season.
@ orlisnjangel & Laura
I saw that trailer, but didn’t know it was Comic Con’s exclusive. Niice! And you’re right, they pretty much layed out the storyline for the rest of the season. And to sum it up for everyone with one word… WAR.
The shows are gonna be GOOD!!!!
@ the rest of the group
It’s most likely Godric who Meets the Sun. If you re-watch the scene where the Newlins and Sookie and Hugo are talking, Rev. Newlin actually mentions “do what 2000 years of living couldn’t” when Sookie reads his thoughts. He’s talking about the Vamp they have captured. And Godric is 2000 yrs old.
Also, if you folks do end up watching the Comic-Con trailer, the very last shot, looks like well…a young Vampire dressed in a white suit. I think it might be …dun, dun, dun! Godric!!
What I’m really wondering is whether Maryann is gonna have a showdown with the Vamps of Bon Temps. I mean, the show alluded to a bigger storyline in when Sookie got scratched. Eric in all his 1000 years never saw anything like this, where Vampire blood couldn’t heal a human. I’m wondering if Godric knows whats up with this. I hope he’s not going to be a casualty of the LODI/Vamp War. We need some answers!! 🙂
@ Michael 80
Good insight re: Godric. My question is how did the Fellowship manage to capture a 2,000 year old vamp?
And I think Maryann will stay separate from the vamps. Maybe Sam will eventually sac up and take her out.
@ Madison
Maybe they lured Godric with sex? …or maybe he’s playing Possum.
or maybe Stan is behind it. Stan is one of Godric’s Lieutenants and wants to start a War. (I came up with this cuz of the two new trailers. TB makers haven’t really steered us wrong when they show trailers. They love to lead us into it, but have cliff hangers for their new eps. Gotta love it!)
@ Everyone.
Found the Comic-Con trailer link!!! OH BOY!!! Watch. It. Now!
Discuss. 🙂
ps. Just a Big Guess…
“Want to join me?”
– The Vampire Queen
I don’t think that Maryann can control people after scratching them. Remember when she scratched Sookie? Nothing happened to her after that. Just a thought..
I think that Godric may be in the basement of the F.O.T.S. judging from what Steve Newlin said in his mind.
I Can’t wait to see what happens to Sam! I don’t think he’s gonna die, but i’m sure something bad will happen to him.