True Blood Episode 2.2 Review
In the second episode of True Blood Season 2 (which I’ll refer to as 2.2), we found out just a little bit more about Maryann, were left hanging with the fate of everyone’s favorite hustler Lafayette, and learned a bit more about Jason’s excursion with the Fellowship of the Sun. Also, from the looks of it, Jessica could be a major player this season. Episode 2.2 was a bit slow compared to 2.1, but like in Season 1, the show seems to be taking its time in developing its plotlines. And hopefully, like it did in Season 1, the wait will be worth the payoff. Full review after the jump, with spoilers, of course.
It’s nice to see that True Blood doesn’t take itself too seriously, because without an appropriate injection of humor and silliness, a drama about vampires in a small Louisiana town probably wouldn’t work so well. Picking upright where we left off, Eric has made a big mess after feasting on the redneck, only to ask Lafayette, “Did I get blood in my hair?” Lafeyette is questioned by Eric about a vampire murder in Dallas and not too long after that requests that Eric turn him into a vampire. We’re left hanging as to Lafayette’s fate, but I’m guessing that he does indeed return as a vampire. He’s too a good a character to write off the show this early.
Meanwhile, Jason is becoming really popular at his cult-esque Fellowship of the Sun conference. I thought it was kind of funny that one of the activities was “capture the flag,” but I guess it went to help set up Jason’s inevitable conflict with his suitemate. Obviously something’s going to happen between the two of them, and maybe the suitemate will somehow reveal Jason’s past with vampires. I don’t know. I do know, though, that the whole Fellowship of the Sun thing is hella creepy. Like I wrote last week, there’s bound to be lots of religious themes this season.
Sookie and Bill continue to fight, but this time because Sookie kept a secret from Bill. After Sookie drove her to her family’s house, Jessica acted on impulse and confronted her family. For some unknown reason (or did I miss something? Was it because Sookie was in danger?), Bill shows up and orders her to stop. Bill’s pissed, and the couple continues to fight. Eric had asked Bill to borrow Sookie so he could take her to Dallas; maybe he’ll try to get in her pants…and she’ll go with it?
I hope that the storylines in True Blood start to cross (like maybe Eric’s will with Sookie/Bill), but I have no idea what’s going on with Maryann. My mental projection theory was way off. It seems she has the ability to get people to feel sexy, but then she vibrates and turns Sam into a dog. Hopefully we’ll find out soon what her deal is. For now, I’m clueless. Although, I think the pig that follows her around may be her servant (the dude she bitch-slapped for offering Tara towels). Maybe she turned him into the pig like she did Sam into a dog. What do you guys think?
that pig idea isn’t bad…it makes sense…we’ll find out soon..
i refuse to believe that eric wants sookie for anything more than drinking her blood..she (and bill for the most part) are whiny little bitches to me…and they bug me…
you missed the most important thing about “capture the flag” was an oppurtunity to show jason without a shirt…*drool*
that pig idea isn’t bad…it makes sense…we’ll find out soon..
i refuse to believe that eric wants sookie for anything more than drinking her blood..she (and bill for the most part) are whiny little bitches to me…and they bug me…
you missed the most important thing about “capture the flag” was an opportunity to show jason without a shirt…*drool*
@ orlisnjangel
Yeah, it seems like Eric want to “use” Sookie for her telepathy, but didn’t he comment about how special/unique she was in Season 1? I’m guessing he’ll start to like her. Unless he ends up liking Lafayette? Hmmm, imagine that.
Ryan Kwanten (Jason Stackhouse) is indeed shredded. The guys get/got Amy, the girls get Jason. Fair enough.
Shes a goddess or a priestess of ancient greece, or even babylon. Some sort of love and dance deity for sure, being alive all this time by giving love and ecstasy to people and drinking from their bliss.
Maryann is Pan , or a Satyr archetype. All about pleasure, all the food, and the uncontrolled dancing is straight up like the Satyr’s from mythology.
@ ogie
You definitely could be onto something. The food has to be a big hint.
@ ogie
that’s what i was thinking in episode one when she tells tara about Pan…it makes a little bit of sense…whatever it involves sex..
My cousin Andy had a theory, which was also based on Maryann’s reference to Pan…she’s a Greek goddess (or something similar), and she needs people around her to have sex so that she can stay young. She hasn’t aged since her first encounter with Sam, so this would actually make a lot of sense.
She’s a maenad.
@Hi guys- It’s tough to say if the Maenad that attacked Sookie is in fact Maryanne or if we’re made to think that because of the book, we’ll see. The show is so different in that area it’s impossible to say.
@Madison- I think Bill showed up at Jessica’s house maybe because Jessica was misbehaving and he is her maker… Or it could very well be the blood bond he has with Sookie, as you said.
Thanks so much for these reviews, BTW. It’s great to speculate with others and hear other people theories on a great show.
I seriously cannot wait until the season 3 premier …. any ideas on whats going to happen?