The Many Tricks of Movies
Movies take some creative license with reality, which is understandable sometimes as they’d be rather boring without doing so.
But sometimes they stretch the bounds of plausibility too much that it’s hard not to notice. These graphics are sort of tied into my “Things that Happen in Movies, but Never in Real Life” series, but with a different spin.
Check out the rest of the observations in pictograph form below:
It kind of makes me sick! when the enemy shoot a million times but the hero never gets hurt but when it comes to the good site they can do multiple headshots with a single shot. It gets worse than Counter strike 🙂
One of the most insightful, but ultimately useless, infographics I’ve seen in a while.
Hahaha and they always get away with it. That is the beauty of movies as we know it.
None of these are funny or even remotely true
anti aging skin
Haha, I know most of these thanks to “Last action hero”, played by Arnold Swach-something LOL