High Quality Star Wars Propaganda Posters

Star Wars

During times of war or election our nation (and others) floods itself with so much propaganda that you sometimes don’t even know what the hell you are voting for or hoping will happen.  It gets to a point where it’s simply one poster or campaign versus another.

There’s no question that this theme takes place in the cinema.   And when you consider how much of a political movie Star Wars can be portrayed as,  I wouldn’t be surprised to know that each side had their own propaganda campaigns.

And if they did, I’m sure these 9 posters would be utilized.

Thanks to Nedhardy for these finds

Star Wars Propaganda

Star Wars Propaganda

Star Wars Propaganda

Star Wars Propaganda

Star Wars Propaganda

Star Wars Propaganda

Star Wars Propaganda

Star Wars Propaganda

Star Wars Propaganda

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  1. The two ‘Enlist’ posters are by far my favorites. They really capture the feel of the old WW2 posters, especially the first one. I wouldn’t mind seeing someone with more artistic ability than I have to tackle a ‘Loose lips sink ships’ poster, with the shot of a Star Destroyer crashing from ‘Force Unleashed’.


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