Oodles of Google Doodles
I think even the biggest sites in the world (i.e. Google) get bored from time to time. Granted the big G doesn’t mess around with their homepage all that often, but sometimes you can tell they like to mix it up.
And why not? While they know not to go crazy, it’s fun on holidays, birthdays, and other important days that putting in a little graphic so that people talk isn’t a bad thing.
With that in mind, here are some fun Google homepage alterations….
The Pacman one was pretty cool because it was interactive.
Don’t you think you should have told us which days some of these were for? I sometimes can’t tell what google is trying to say until I hover over the logo and find out which day is being celebrated.
The google homepage will never bore me. They do come up with some fun home pages to keep it fresh.