Rose Was Kind of Selfish, Wasn’t She?
That did always seem like a rather large piece of wood that Rose was resting on at the end of Titanic, but now two people have done a clearly scientific study to show just how selfish she was being.
As it turns out, there is plenty of room for Leo if he wanted to spread out onboard her mini-ship. They could snuggle, play cards, even moonbathe if they wanted to. But you know them girls, always hogging the bed!
And yes, anti-joke killers about to comment, I understand the concept of buoyancy which negates this whole theory.
Yes, buoyancy. But at least they could have tried…
This is basic physics. The door couldn’t support their weight combined. It’s not a matter of space, it’s a matter of weight
Even taking buoyancy into account, that door would have held up just fine.
I’m more into the fact that he was still alive when people were dying off. Meaning, he could have grabbed and put together the crap the dead people were using.
Way to just give up there Leo….could of had a $50mil diamond too.
Anyway he doesn’t die, he just get on that beach and wakes up…
It wasn’t her being selfish, it was him being stupid!!
Covalent for the win!
i wonder how much of that stuff was just hollywood nonsense. i mean when your about to die, your body goes into overdrive and the pure primal instinct of survival kicks in. no body would have just given p like that. especially not if that means leaving the one they love stranded in the ocean. they would do whatever possible to survive and ensure their loved ones safety.
First off. Didn’t he say do NOT write about the anti-jokeness of it all? And secondly, who gives a hoot if people make jokes about this? Is it really that important. It was a work of fiction based upon real events that transpired.
anti-joke killers? thats a double negative, its either anti-jokers or joke killers. psssh, learn your numbers ;D
1) @Covalent: in the original, which is what most people have to go off of ( I heard there is an alternate ending in the 3D one) he does die.
2) @the one: it might be accurate if you are looking for people who kill the anti-jokers then you would be an anti-joker killer or if you were against joke killers you would be an anti joke-killer I realize that both of these may have different punctuation/spelling but they are close 😛
really thillis? really?!
What if they grip it by the husk?
LOL U SO FUNNY…marry me please :-[
Haha I was totally about to post about boyancy but then you said that at the end and I just laughed. Nice!
It’s not a matter of where they grip it. It’s a simple matter of mass to surface tension ratio.
Have Mythbusters tested this yet? I’d love to see if this was possible.
If she had just stayed on the stupid life boat, he would have had the door all to himself.
@raulie you should email it to them they can use it on their next movie myth episode cuz you know its gonna be one 🙂