Alright then. How many ’80s movie references can you spot in this piece by Jason Edmiston? I topped out at 17, but I think there are a few more I’m missing. All I know is that this is a city I’d certainly want to live in, even if I did run the risk of being killed by Xenomorphs who are now even more mobile after discovering the ability to take cabs. And oh yeah, there’s that giant rampaging marshmallow man to contend with.
[via Neatorama]
The Warriors
They Live
Taxi Driver
Blade Runner
Back To The Future
Star Wars
Evil Dead
Same as Ugo Strange except I did get Rocky Horror Picture show.
I believe this was posted a long long time ago on the site before, I may be wrong.
@Glynn: Glad you said it; I thought I’d gone back into the archive somehow.
Film reference overload!